ICD & Nee Hao presents – Europe Meets China Forum – Berlin 5 June 2013

Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC) is a network of students and young professionals who have an interest in exploring and strengthening the relations between Europe and China. Participants join the forum by taking part in a Weeklong Seminar run by The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, following which they are encouraged to conduct their own research and organise their own activity in the field.


The next ICD Weeklong Seminar, targeted at students and young professionals with an interest in the European-Chinese relationship starts in Berlin on 5th June 2013 in a special collaboration with Nee Hao Magazine.

It will focus on the theme ‘The European-Chinese Cooperation: Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions’. 



欧洲会晤中国 (Europe Meets China): 这是一个专门研究中国与欧洲之间关系的国际论坛. 每年都有来自各地的学者和专业人士相聚柏林就各种发展增强中欧关系的议题展开讨论.
参与者进行长达一周的专题讨论会(简称周议会), 之后还可以就自身感兴趣的议题进行调查研究或策划相关的学术活动.

周议会时间地点: 柏林 2013年6月5日至9日

议题名称: 《中国与欧洲在政治,经济以及文化方面的合作》



The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s Young Leaders Forums are international networks of like-minded individuals who share an interest in strengthening intercultural relations within a region or country, or between particular regions or countries.


For further information regarding this event, please click here for The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s website or email : [email protected]


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