In Pictures and Video: British Chinese and East Asian actors protest at the Print Room

A protest by British Chinese, East Asian actors and supporters took place yesterday, outside the Print Room at the Coronet, London.

It coincided with the opening night of Howard Barker’s play In The Depths of Deep Love as a response to the venue’s decision to cast four Caucasian actors in a new play by Howard Barker set in ancient China with Chinese character names.

Historically, ‘yellowface’ meant the practice of an actor of non-East-Asian heritage applying make-up to yellow their skin and tape their eyes so as to appear East Asian. Now ‘yellowface’ is understood to mean any actor of non-East-Asian heritage playing an East Asian role; a practice that thanks to progressive and industry wide discussion is deemed unacceptable.

Video by Paul Wu – Filmmaker

Photos courtesy of Suki Mok Photography 

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