Interview with Vo Su from Nocturnal EDM

Vo Su and Guangchi Duong have known each other since secondary school. By day, they are busy working in the accounting and finance industry. By night, they are making final preparations for their brand new club event in London, with the aims of bringing electronic dance music to the Chinese and East Asian community. 

Nee Hao Magazine catches up with co-organiser Vo Su to find out more about this exciting event. 

What is Nocturnal EDM? 

First of all I’ll like to take this opportunity to thank Nee Hao for having us featured.

Nocturnal EDM is a new club night promotion. Nocturnal is the name we’ve gone for as our name and EDM is the genre of music we will be playing at our nights. Our first project is happening this Saturday at The Coronet, London on June 7th.

Do you think EDM will catch on with the Asian/Chinese crowd compared to other genres? 

EDM (Electric Dance Music) has been around for a while but has only recently become more mainstream since the rise in popularity of big name DJs such as Calvin Harris and Avicii. As to whether it will catch on in the Chinese/Asian crowd, I believe it already has. The Chinese crowd just don’t know it themselves yet! At regular Chinese/Asian nights which I have been to, whenever the DJ drops EDM tracks, the crowd really responds to it. They just haven’t been made aware it’s an EDM genre of music – and that’s where the inspiration for our night comes from!

How long have you been organising events? 

Other than a small event we hosted during our university years, this is pretty much our first event. But first of many we hope. I’m sure after everyone experiences our first night, they will want to be back for more. We are working very hard to make this event special for everyone who comes.

What do you enjoy about organising an event? 

One of my favourite quotes is “find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life”. EDM and club organising is something we are really passionate about, so it’s just been really good to see the whole process from conception to completion next week.


Is there anything you don’t like about it?

The long hours it’s taken so far to have this night ready. But I’m sure come next week, it will all be worth it.

What do you guys usually do on weekends?

We are both BBCs doing what Asians do best – working in Accounts and Finance haha! On weekends, aside from partying, we are both keen Dragonboaters.  The both of us train with a team called the Windy Pandas.

What do you expect to happen next week at your event? 

I expect some people to be a little sceptical of the EDM scene and some will be trying it out for the first time. Others will come along next week and it’ll really hit home as to what they have been missing out on. I’ve yet to meet anyone so far who has been to an EDM night and not enjoyed it. We have gone all out with our production for this night, with dancers, lasers, pryos and even a 9ft giant LED robot making an appearance!

What DJs will be playing? 

We have the up and coming DJ Leo Avorio who is travelling all the way from Liverpool to kick start the night, with the familiar and always excellent Kevin Ping on after him. No remotely Asian party is complete without the awesome talent of DJ Phat who will be closing the night for us all the way till 5am.

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