Winse Chan’s King Prawns with Salt Recipe 盐炸虾

George's Kitchen - Queen Street, Nottingham
George’s Kitchen – Queen Street, Nottingham

Winse Chan is a rising chef from Scotland, a food enthusiast and soon to be author of a cookbook about classic and authentic Chinese recipes that have been passed down from generations and inherited from the women who have influenced her cooking skills. She is currently working with Nee Hao Magazine to bring you a series of exclusive mouth watering recipes for you to try cooking at home.

Shell King Prawns with Salt   

I personally love this dish as the batter is extremely light rather than being a heavy, stodgy, thick batter. The flour used here is to simply coat, seal in the flavour and juices of the sweet prawns. This light batter acts as a protective layer when you deep frying them in oil.

The salt in this dish helps to accentuate the sweetness of the prawns and its shells. This is a back to basics dish, simple and quick with very few ingredients which bring out the natural taste and crispiness of the prawns.

Please note to always use fresh oil for deep frying as re used oil can change the taste.

Serves: 4-5

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 6-7 minutes


400 grams raw king prawns with shells

600 ml vegetable oil

3 garlic cloves

2 tablespoons corn flour

1 teaspoon salt


With the shells on the prawns, use either a sharp knife or a pair of scissors and cut the middle section down to the tail, devein and rinse the prawns. Dry onto paper towels. Cover the prawns with corn flour and set aside. Chop the garlic cloves into a smooth paste and set aside.

Heat the oil in a wok at a high heat setting. Make sure the oil is smoking hot. In 2 to 3 batches, shake off the excess flour and deep fry the prawns for 90 seconds, remove and drain onto paper towels.

After deep frying all the prawns, carefully pour the oil into a dry bowl. Retain 2 tablespoons of oil in the wok, add in garlic paste and salt then stir fry for 20 seconds before returning the prawns back into the wok. Coat the shrimps with the paste and salt and serve.


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