Kwong Ngan gets Liverpool Citizen of Honour Award after 40 years

Earlier this month at Liverpool City Town Hall, Mr Kwong Ngan BCAc known locally as Kenny Tam received the prestigious Liverpool Citizen of Honour Award for over 40 years voluntary service to the Chinese community.

In July of last year he was invited to the Palace of Westminister to receive a national award and was presented with the British Citizen Award medal.

In 1978 Mr. Ngan became a member of the See Yep Association, a voluntary organisation bringing together the oldest Chinese community in Europe. At the age of 46 he became the youngest Chairman and now over 2 decades later he is the longest standing Chairman since it was founded in 1906.

The association was originally set up to to assist Chinese men arriving in Liverpool from China, who would find themselves feeling alone and alienated with no friends, or family, and of course the language barrier.

Under Mr Ngans guidance, today we see a transformed modern and yet still traditional vibrant community centre, providing a safe and warm environment for the Chinese community and in particular, the much revered ‘elders’ can socialise, play Mahjong and pass on traditions and values to the next generation. He has held many fundraising events and along with donations from members, family and friends the association has been able to greatly modernise and also purchase the premises.

His Tai Chi school, being the first of its kind 33 years ago, has inspired many other schools. Now Merseyside has a number of Tai Chi venues run mostly by his students, past and present.

Mr. Ngans dedication has helped to build a rich and supportive community of people who know each other and lend each other a hand when it is needed. The oldest Chinatown in Europe relies on people like Mr. Ngan with community spirit to survive.

During almost 4 decades of voluntary service, Mr. Ngan now 68 years of age has been working full time but he has successfully combined many thousands of hours of community service promoting Chinese culture and health education across the region with his business and family life.

He believes the Chinese culture should be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of race or religion and at the same time, he has ensured that the Chinese community appreciates British values and ethics.

With continuous and sustained dedicated service to his community and the North West he has channeled his many talents and boundless energy into improving community services and quality of life for his fellow citizens. He truly stands out as a leader, who is always there for those around him, eager to take up new challenges to enhance the well being of the community. He believes the Chinese culture should be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of race or religion and at the same time, he has ensured that the Chinese community appreciates British values and ethics.

He makes a difference in a world of indifference!

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