Follow Nee Hao’s Chinese Student Section on WeChat or Facebook to keep up to date on news, events, special offers and valuable tools for you to make the best out of your studies in the UK.
关注“英国你好” 脸书公共主页和微信公众平台,获得最新最给力的生活资讯,活动日期,相关打折优惠信息以及各种学习/工作的神器,为了你在留英日子效率最大化,我们是操碎了心, 科科!
吃的,喝的,玩的,乐的,你能想到的,告诉我, 我来做调查,你坐等result。
完整的申根签证攻略 学生生活版和时尚版,让你一直身心健康,将美丽帅气一直进行下去。
“你好精英” 讲座活动 – 为留英国际学生量身打造工作与创业的巡回讲座.
“英国你好”中国学生生活问卷调查 – 为提高在英华人和留学生的影响力和凝聚力,我们时刻努力。
Nee Hao will bring you:
- Quality editorials written by Chinese students on personal and academic subjects
- Advice and tips to help you make the most out of your stay in the UK
- Nationwide events handpicked for you with free tickets and discounts
- Special offers for restaurants and food establishments
- Travel information with special offers and insights
- Visa Guides to EU countries
- Nee Hao Chinese Student Health and Fashion Section – To help you look and feel good
- Nee Hao Elites – A Career and Entrepreneurship seminars for Chinese students who want to stay in UK post study
- Nee Hao Chinese Student Survey – Helping to fight for your rights and bring it to the attention of the UK government.
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