Nee Hao’s Advice Column with Auntie Mei

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Nee Hao Magazine brings you a brand new feature where readers can submit personal problems and issues to be answered by our own agony aunt Mei Li from Manchester. Each Saturday starting from next week (November 30th 2013), we will publish advice with problems submitted by readers.

Aunty Mei came to the UK in the 1960s and has 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. She is a retired widow and has been working for many years in social services. Mei has a wealth of experience and particularly understands issues which are bespoke to the British Chinese society.

Aunty Mei says: “The way the Chinese people live and work in the UK has changed so much from when I first came here. In life, it would be almost impossible to not have any problems be it big or small. Sometimes we have problems specific to the Chinese and East Asian community at large and we may feel there is no one to turn to. I hope my advice can help not just the person who has submitted the problem, but also benefit others who may be going through a similar thing.”


email: [email protected] 

How this column works

Readers are invited to submit problems and issues that concern them to be answered by auntie Mei. At the bottom of each advice article, a Facebook comment section will be activated allowing other readers to also contribute to the discussion. Please note, due to the volume of letters and emails we may potentially get, it may not be possible to answer all of them, but Aunty Mei will try to answer as many as possible.

Readers’ contribution 

For readers who are contributing to the discussion, Nee Hao Magazine would like to state that these are real problems and issues submitted by real people. So we would like to remind contributors who would like to give their 2 pennies worth to be considerate and sensitive in their approach. Please be aware the tone of voice used and casual joking may not be apparent when typing a comment.


All problems or issues submitted will be treated in the strictest of confidence and no names or personal information will be made public. You can even submit anonymously if you wish.


Any advice given only serves as a generic guidance. If there are legal or medial concerns, we would advise you to take it up with the relevant authorities.

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