Nee Hao Magazine conducted a survey to over 200 Chinese students studying at Bristol University in the summer of 2013. The survey is part of a nationwide campaign to be implemented in 2014 to help ‘fight for international Chinese students’ rights’.
As part of this campaign, Nee Hao Magazine have teamed up with OISE, an organisation which specialises in intensive courses for English language, personal development and industry related specialists skills, to host coaching seminars and events at their centres.
The first seminar was held at OISE Bristol in November. Academic manager Jo Lewis, and Tony Doyle, the senior teacher gave useful tips on study skills and coaching elements. Guest speakers from the community Dr. Yifan Xie (Airbus) and ex investment analyst Ricky Yip (Citicorp) made presentations about their careers.
Head of Admissions, Angela Radford, said: “It was a very interesting afternoon. We enjoyed meeting the students at OISE Bristol and listening to their English language requirements and their career ambitions. We looking forward to helping them achieve their ambitions to become confident English speaking professionals.”
2013年的夏天, “你好”传媒对200名就读于布里斯托大学的中国留学生进行了一项问卷调查. 这项调查属于将在2014年全面展开的全英运动中的一部份. 运动的目的是为了帮助中国留学生在英争取更多的权利和福利.
作为运动中的先锋, “你好”传媒和OISE紧密合作, 为留学生们实施了一系列的解决方案. 其中包括在OISE旗下的各个语言中心举办语言和面试技巧的系列研讨会. OISE是知名的语言培训机构, 它所提供的课程包括专业英语培训, 个人发展培训以及与职业领域相关的技能培训. 11月6日, 第一个研讨会在布里斯托的OISE语言中心(OISE Bristol)举行. 学院院长Jo Lewis女士和高级讲师Tony Doyle先生传授了很多极为有用的学习技巧, 让参加研讨会的同学们受益匪浅. 出席活动的还有特邀演讲嘉宾 – 来自空中巴士(Airbus)的Dr. Yifan Xie和前Citicorp的投资分析师Ricky Yip, 会议上他们不但妙趣横生地分享了许多职场经历, 并仔细地回答同学们的提问, 给出许多相应的职业建议.
With a change in government policy regarding Post Study Work, international students can stay in the UK only if they have a graduate job with a minimum salary of £20,300 pounds. This has increased the competition for graduates applying for jobs, and Chinese students would need more skills besides getting a good degree to increase their employment prospects. With Prime Minister David Cameron announcing £6 billion pounds of trade deals from a recent visit to China, Chinese students would be a valuable asset to companies in the UK, because they have good knowledge of both British and Chinese cultures.
自从2012年4月6日起, 英国政府对留学生留英工作的政策作出来了很多改变, 海外毕业生必须每年赚取至少2万300英镑才可继续留英工作. 这使得海外毕业生的工作竞争愈演愈烈, 有如千军万马过独木桥. 很多中国留学生认为, 除了一份好的文凭外还需要拥有更多的其它技能, 以此点亮自己的就业前景. 虽然移民工作政策不断收紧, 振奋人心的消息也时有传来. 近期英国首相David Cameron造访中国, 签署了一份价值6亿英镑的贸易协议, 让对中英文化有很好了解的中国留学生成为英国各大公司聘请的热门候选人.
The questions asked in the survey were regarding study habits, future plans and what help and advice were needed to help students with their studies and careers. The findings of the survey provided a useful insight for the preparation of the seminar, so that more can be done to help Chinese students make the most of their time in Britain, and recommendations for employers who wish to take on Chinese graduates.
“你好”传媒的问卷调查通过提问学生的学习习惯, 未来计划以及他们想得到的学习和工作方面的建议, 让大家更了解这些学生的需要. 让外界明白应该做些什么才能帮助留学生最大地利用他们在英国的留学时光. 问卷调查还为有意向聘请海外毕业生的公司提供了非常有用的建议.
OISE’s Intensive language training and professional development.
Training sessions are fast-paced and dynamic, designed for ambitious learners who are motivated to dramatically improve their English and shine in the international arena. OISE courses concentrate on stimulating fast and accurate reactions, promoting a clear understanding of English, and expressing thoughts, opinions and ideas spontaneously.
Learners can choose to focus on specific goals – whether to improve confidence and reach fluency for academic, professional or general purposes. Tailor-made examination preparation programmes help students successfully prepare for English exams, such as IELTS, University of Cambridge examinations (FCE, CAE, CPE), TOEFL, BULATS, TOEIC, or GMAT examinations.
培训课程节奏快速紧凑, 富有活力, 专门为那些有抱负的学生而制定, 为的是帮助他们在最短的时间内大幅提高英文的演讲能力, 快速阅读能力, 更精准的理解力和论文写作能力, 让他们在国际的竞技台上发光发热.
OISE语言中心的老师针对学生的特殊学习目标, 为他们量身制定相应的课程. 可以随时预订一节辅导课或是一个学期的课程. 不超过8人的小班授课方式, 甚至是一对一的辅导. 课时表根据学生的时间来灵活安排.
OISE是有资格颁发正规专业语言资格证书的语言中心.为学生量身打造合适的备考计划, 帮助他们成功迎战英语考试, 包括雅思, 剑桥大学各类英文能力测试, 托福, 博思, 国际交流英语考试, 以及经企管理研究生入学考试等.
For information about courses at OISE please visit their website
Email: [email protected]