Sun Jun from Zhejiang, is acclaimed to be one of China’s leading photographers. His works incorporate modern techniques with traditional elements.
Having graduated from the Art Academy of China, Jun first started learning the art of traditional Chinese painting when he was just 7 years old. His work encapsulates a unique style of storytelling with a Chinese aesthetic renaissance feel to it.
中国摄影艺术家, 出生于江南城市浙江绍兴, 7岁开始学习国画, 毕业于中国美院. 其作品融合了绘画的表现手法, 注重画面和故事的结合, 意境深远, 被媒体誉为”摄影诗人”. 他的作品深具东方韵味, 是东方美学复兴的代表人物之一 .
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