Police in Fresh Appeal for Chinese Murder Suspect

Northampton Police have asked Nee Hao Magazine’s readers to help in a fresh appeal for witnesses or information in tracing murder suspect Anxiang Du, 52, following the murder of a Chinese family of 4 in Wootton, Northampton, back in April 2011. This is on the back of yesterday’s BBC Crimewatch coverage.

Detective Superintendent Glyn Timmins leading the investigation into the murder of the Ding family – 46 year old father Jifeng (known locally as Jeff), 47 year old mother Ge Chui (known locally as Helen), 18 year old daughter Xing (known locally as Nancy) and 12 year old daughter Alice in Wootton on Friday 29th April revealed on the show that there had been an unconfirmed sighting of Mr Du in Gibraltar shortly after the murders had taken place.

Previously unseen CCTV footage showing Mr Du on Venebles Street, off Egdware Road, London at 2.27am on Saturday 30th April, was shown. This was the last confirmed sighting of the 52 year old.


It is believed that this is Mr Du, shortly after he abandoned the car that was taken from the Ding home some 10 hours previously. Officers are keen to establish what he was doing during this time period.

(事件回顧:今年英國北安普頓市 (Northampton) 發生了一起一家四口滅門慘案. 受害人是夫婦丁繼鋒,崔鴿以及他們的兩個女兒. 據警方分析,嫌疑犯是52歲的中醫師杜安翔).

 據最新消息報導,警方接到可靠線索,杜安翔已潛逃至倫敦. 負責此案的警司格林(Glyn Timmins)提供了疑犯杜最後出現在倫敦某地的監控錄像 (CCTV). 目前,北安普頓的警察正會同倫敦警局展開搜捕行動. 如果你發現疑犯及其行踪,請盡快聯絡警方 (Crimestoppers). 最新的緝兇懸賞已高達10,000鎊. 

An artist’s impression of a shoe print found at the home of the Ding family was also the focus of the appeal. A total of 12 calls and four text messages were received during and after the show. Some of these calls were actioned by officers immediately with the remaining calls and messages being the focus of attention for investigators today.

Mr Du, The Suspect.

Police are hoping that someone watching the programme will recognise Mr Du, either having seen him around the time of the murder or since then.

In addition to the recent calls received following Crimewatch, there have been 315 potential sightings, more than 180 witness statements and 321 messages relating to the investigation.

Commenting live on the show, Detective Superintendant Glyn Timmins, said: “We have investigated something like 300 sightings. But there is one in particular that we are really interested in at the minute and it is one not long after the murders, and was reported in Gibraltar.

Commenting on the CCTV footage, he said: “What we are seeing there is the suspect walking along Venables Street. It is 2.27am on Saturday, April 30th. We can see that he is still wearing that distinctive three-quarter length brown coat and the white Burberry hat.”

Referring to a unique shoe print, found at the home, he also appealed for anyone who was involved in hand making this shoe or involved in its repair to come forward.

He added: “This is actually a scientific drawing based on a footprint we found at the scene. We think it comes from a handmade shoe and I am really hoping that someone can recognise that pattern.” Officers believe that there is a strong possibility that Mr Du has left the country, although at this stage there is nothing to confirm that he has.

He said: ”We have had an unconfirmed sighting in Gibraltar and it is feasible that Mr Du left the country on the Royal Wedding weekend, someone may have worked that weekend and remembers seeing this man, who most likely would have paid in cash for tickets out of the country. So we’re appealing to anyone who’s seen him – in ports or airports or even abroad to get in touch.

“The appearance on Crimewatch was extremely valuable and we are confident that the calls received will move the investigation forward.

“We still need the help of the public though, even a small piece of information could help us to locate Mr Du.”

All information about the appeal can be found on the police website and the Crimewatch website.

Crimestoppers are offering a reward of up to £10,000 for anyone providing information to Crimestoppers leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons linked to the murders of the Ding family.

Calls Crimestoppers in confidence for this crime or any other  0800 555 111

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