Chef Winse’s Razor Clams Recipe 辣豆豉蛏子

Winse Chan is a rising chef from Scotland and soon to be author of a cookbook about classic and authentic Chinese recipes, passed down from generations and inherited from the women who have influenced her cooking. She is currently working with Nee Hao Magazine to bring you a series of exclusive mouth watering recipes for you to try cooking at home.

Razor Clams in Black Beans Garlic and Chillies

This razor clams recipe is served with a marriage of ingredients that gives it a unique taste of black beans, garlic, subtle chillies, aromatic ginger and a hint of sweetness from the hoisin sauce. Mixing these ingredients together yields a sauce that goes so well with all types of seafood and especially razor clams!Razor clams can become rubbery in texture if over-cooked. So it’s best to turn off the flame once they turn fully opaque. This should only take between 4 – 5 minutes.

Remember to use a non-stick pan to cook the clams as the shells will scratch the non-stick surface!

Unsure of where to get your fresh razor clams? Just visit your nearest fishmongers. They should be so fresh that they are still moving.

If you wish to kill razor clams humanely: Put them in the freezer for 12 minutes before cutting them.


Serves: 3-4

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 5-6 minutes


1 pound razor clams

5 grams ginger

2 cloves garlic

1 sprig of spring onion

2 tablespoons groundnut oil

1 table spoon of dried preserved black beans

1 tablespoon of hoisin sauce

1 table spoon of light soy sauce

1 table spoon of chilli and garlic sauce

1 teaspoon of chicken powder

2 dashes of white pepper powder

50 ml of hot water


Thickening agent

1 teaspoon of corn flour mixed with 2 tablespoons of cold water


1. Wash and scrub the outer shells with a brush, rinse the clams thoroughly under cold water to get rid of any sand/stones and grits. Then soak for 5 minutes in a clean sink with a tablespoon of salt. Rinse well. This will ensure you have really clean and grit free razor clams. Place in freezer if you want to kill it humanely.

2. With a knife score along the clams. Cut or pull away their intestines which are the yellow/brown coloured parts attached along the clams. Rinse well under cold water. Set aside.

3. Wash and chop spring onions, set aside for garnish.

4. Using a mortar and pesto, pound the garlic, ginger and black beans into a paste. Set aside. Mix together the hoisin sauce, soy sauce, chili/garlic sauce, and chicken powder, then set aside.

5. Heat a non-stick wok or a large metal pot on high heat, once hot, add oil. Add the mashed paste and stir fry for 10 seconds. Add water and wait till it starts to bubble. This should take less than 30 seconds.

6. Add in the razor clams, lid on and cook for 3-4 minutes until the meat becomes less translucent and shells have started to open up.

7. Add the mixed sauces with the razor clams and add the thickening agent. Mix well, place lid on and cook for a further 2 minutes. Mix in chopped spring onions, dish out and enjoy!

Check out Winse Chan’s Facebook Page for all her latest recipes

Winses Wee Wok 

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