Samson Young: One of Two Stories, or Both (Field Bagatelles)

One of Two Stories, or Both (Field Bagatelles) is a newly commissioned radio series and gallery installation inspired by tales of Chinese migrants, presented as part of the MIF17 programme.

Sound artist and composer Samson Young will take visitors and listeners on a journey inspired by the myths and legendary tales of 17th-century Chinese travellers making their way to Europe on foot. Presented in front of a live studio audience each night, the broadcast will also be available to listen to on 92.8FM and online at (30 June – 4 July). Following the radio series, a multi-channel sound and visual installation will be presented at CFCCA.

From Ocean to Horizon is an ambitious group exhibition featuring established and emerging talent from the contemporary art scene in Hong Kong, none of whom have previously exhibited in the UK. Works by Ko Sin Tung, Sarah Lai, Au Hoi Lam, Trevor Yeung, Ocean Leung, Tang Kwok-hin and Kong Chun Hei will present unique perspectives of living and working in present-day Hong Kong. This exhibition is co-curated by Ying Kwok (Independent Curator, Hong Kong), Lindsay Taylor (Art Curator, University of Salford) and Ying Tan (Curator, CFCCA).
In addition to the exhibition, Kong Chun Hei is part way through a two-month artist’s residency at CFCCA through which he is developing work responding to his experience of Manchester.
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