Social health care jobs : Must speak English & Chinese – Birstall area of West Yorkshire


CCMS offers a distinct and specialised service for people of all ages recovering from acquired brain injury. The CCMS service is individually tailored to the needs of the service user and can offer:

1. Generic Brain Injury Case Management

2. Crisis/Intervention Case Management

3. Therapeutic Case Management

4. Preparation of Case Management Reports and Reviews

5. Co-ordination of Support, Care and Rehabilitation Programmes

6. Co-ordination and Management of Multi-Disciplinary Therapeutic Teams

7. Independent Assessment and Review of Case Management

8. Risk Assessment

9. Expert Witness

10. Advocacy with Local Authorities and Primary Care Trusts

11. Family Support

12. Consultation and Training to Legal Profession and Case Managers

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.


Range of Services Offered by CCMS:

CCMS also provides support in the community to children, young people and adults with acquired brain injury and their carers. All service users will have a Case Manager who in many cases, but not exclusively; will be from Care and Case Management Services Ltd. The Case Manager will be responsible for assessment of need and development of a Care Plan.

All support packages will be governed by an individual programme tailored to the need of the service user and arising from the Care Plan. The Support Worker/Carers will contribute towards the planning and implementation of the individual programme under the direction of the Case Manager.

The specific role of the Support Worker is to enable the service user to participate in every aspect of his/her individual programme and empower him/her to achieve his/her full potential by facilitating the development of skills necessary to aid recovery. The overall objective is to aid recovery by maximising opportunities in order to promote a good quality of life within the community.

The individual programme will be reviewed on a minimum of a 12 monthly basis and will feed into the review of the Care Plan and reassessment of need.


Care and Case Management Services Ltd (CCMS)


我们公司为患有脑疾或脑部曾受创伤需要理疗的病人提供卓越专业的卫生保健服务. CCMS针对每个患者的不同需求来为他们量身定制保健护理, 服务包括:

1. 脑部创患的案件管理
2. 创后恢复的案件管理
3. 理疗方面的案件管理
4. 案件管理报告和专家评析
5. 协助制定支持护理和康复计划
6. 多项专科理疗团队的协调和管理
7. 公正独立的案件管理评析
8. 风险评估
9. 专家证人
10. 作为代表对话当地组织和初级保健信托基金
11. 家庭支持协助
12. 法律专业和案件管理人的咨询和培训


CCMS还对社区中心的脑创患儿, 未成年患者,成年患者以及他们的护理工作者提供帮助支持. 我们有经验丰富的案件管理员来处理跟进各种个案, 虽不是专属的, 但每位服务用户都能得到公司指派的案件管理员来负责评定护理计划的需要和进展.

所有一系列的支持帮助套餐都是从服务用户的护理计划中产生的,并由一个专门根据他们的需要而制定的项目来监督管理. 支持工作者/护理人将按照个案管理员的指示来协助完成护理项目的制定以及实行此护理项目.

我们护理工作人员的职责在于帮助患者参与专为他们设定的护理计划中的每一项, 通过不断地鼓励患者来激发他们的最大潜能, 并且耐心地协助他们完成必要的技能学习而获得痊愈. 最终的目标就是帮助患者加大康复的机会以及在社区里过上更好的生活.
每个项目的疗程通常为12个月, 每月会对患者进行复诊,然后为护理计划和护理需要的重新评估提供专家的分析意见.

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