On Styling, Celebrity and Ambition: Christianne Lucianne

Christianne Lucianne has made serious strides in her craft, though she only just recently graduate from the University of Huddersfield about half a year ago! Her combinations of clothes on models show her ability to change the feeling of an image, transforming the subject artfully. From sexy to innovative; sensual to commercial; and fun to vulnerable, her piecing together of outfits can reflect so many sides of womenkind. Lucianne does show a sophisticated understanding of colour, texture and composition, a tremendous feat in the art of styling.


Assisting on award shows, music videos, Lucianne has worked her wonderful talents for celebrities, editorials, catwalk shows and media productions. Having been published in Vogue Italia and the Fashion Film network, she’s keen to make her mark in the industry. She talks to Nee Hao Magazine about her experiences, as well as her love of Queen Bey.

What got you into styling? Have you always known you’ve wanted to go into fashion?

I’ve always wanted to be a stylist. I knew from when I was in school that I wanted to be a stylist! I love fashion; in fact, I live and breathe it.

chris1If you could dress ANYONE in the world, living or dead, who would it be?

I would love to work with Beyoncé, I mean who wouldn’t! She teaches young girls and women to love themselves and their bodies.

What’s the craziest styling challenge you’ve had to undertake?

I had to search for a certain pair of shoes for a celebrity once – the shoes were on a six-month waiting list! I had a DAY as a deadline to find them. Thankfully, I found them within 20 minutes… I can be resource when I have to be!

What’s the best style tip you’ve ever received?

Don’t be afraid to break the rules! It’s fashion for goodness sake!

What advice do you have for aspiring stylists?

Never give up! Styling is hard work. Yes, it’s glamorous and everyone wants to be a stylist – it’s a competitive industry. That’s the problem: so many people want to be stylists but no one wants to put the hard work in. Intern, work freelance and get a part time job. It shows that you’re willing to go that extra mile in comparison to everyone else. Assisting is key: I learnt so much about the business side of styling. Network too… it’s not what you know, it’s who you know!


What makes a style icon, in your opinion?
 I believe that a stylist is what makes a style icon; stylists build a celebrity’s image, through appealing to the public and helping them form a national – or even international – image.

To find out more about Christianne Lucianne, please visit www.christiannelucianne.tumblr.com.

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