The city of Shanghai

The Shanghai Expo had an estimated  70 million visitors with over 200 countries taking part and ran from 1st May to 31st October 2010.
Nearly 40 billion pounds had been spent on this world trade exhibition, that’s more than the Olympics of 2008. 

The UK was one of the first to sign up to the Expo in China with the UK Pavilion being a state of the art design by Thomas Heatherwick, and symbolises the relationship between UK and China in the 21st century. Watch video above for what the UK Pavilion Shanghai looks like. Ireland has a Pavilion and the  theme is the revolution of the urban lifestyle

Shanghai is in the world’s spotlight at the moment, Patrick Mitchell writes for Nee Hao Magazine to gives us a low down on the city of Shanghai.

Not only is Shanghai China’s largest city, but with a registered population of over 19 million, it is also the largest city in the world. Long known as the center of finance and trade in mainland China, this city also boasts the distinction of being the birthplace of the “modern” China.
With a rich collection of buildings and structures of various architectural styles and designs, ranging from neoclassical to art deco, the city’s rich past is still visible today. Attracting people from around the world Shanghai has hosted a number of world events, including the 2007 Summer Special Olympics and a Live Earth concert. The Shanghai International Film Festival is annually held in the city, and of course this years Expo 2010 World’s Fair.

Photo Bing Ang

Vibrant and energetic

With all this activity and economic prosperity, Shanghai also holds the title of having the most vibrant, energetic night life on the mainland. Numerous bars, restaurants, trendy eateries, and clubs line the city streets, truly a city that has something to offer everyone, no matter your tastes. Most residents of Shanghai would call the top venue in the city, M1NT, a membership style lounge/club/restaurant, perched on the 24th floor in the heart of the downtown. With spectacular views, rooftop terrace, private access for VIPs, priority service for members, and a long shark tank gracing the entryway, M1NT is easily the most recognisable venue in Shanghai.

M1nt Club

In the center of all this excitement, one event management company works to bring together party goers from every corner of the earth, Red Lion Media based out of Shanghai since 2007 organises and promotes some of the liveliest events in Shanghai. With two weekly parties at M1NT: Wednesdays Models Night, and Thursdays Freshmint @ M1NT, Red Lion has become a staple of the nightlife scene in Shanghai. With additional monthly events at other top locations, you are guaranteed to have a memorable experience anytime you visit a “Red Lion approved Event”. As RL CEO Inusa Dawuda adds, ”Red Lion Media is your insurance for fun and quality events in Shanghai”.

Red Lion Media

With the World Expo and the economic surge growing in China, the landscape for companies like Red Lion Media looks promising, and with every high energy club event that takes place, visitors become the real winners. China has long since shed its conservative, and ultra traditional ways to
welcome in a growing group of hip and sociable young people who want to express themselves. Shanghai is an international city that welcomes any who
want to experience its exotic side when you visit, make sure to seek out any and all Red Lion approved events, make sure to visit hot tourists spots like
the Bund, Xintiandi and the Pearl Oriental Tower, but most important: enjoy everything that this great city has to offer.

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