Top Shanghai Professors researching dairy intolerance to visit UK

Pioneering professors from Shanghai will be visiting the UK for the first time this weekend to speak at the Allergy and Free From Show hosted at London Olympia. Professor Jian-Qin Sun and Professor Xiao-Yang Sheng from Shanghai’s prestigious Fudan University and XinHua Hospital will be in London from Friday the 8th to Monday 11th of July, to talk to medical experts and consumers about their ground breaking research into lactose intolerance and the A1 and A2 proteins found in milk.

Their recent study into dairy intolerance has received huge interest around the world by pinpointing a protein, the A1 protein, as the most likely trigger for dairy intolerance, not lactose as previously thought.

The study is good news for the estimated 85% of Chinese and 20% of the UK who currently struggle to consume naturally nutritious dairy. Their findings suggest that by avoiding A1 protein and consuming milk with only the easier to digest A2 protein, which is available in supermarkets, they might be able to drink milk with no digestive issues.

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a2 Milk is a 100% real cows’ milk but comes from carefully selected cows that naturally produce only the A2 protein and not the A1, therefore allowing many people who might normally struggle drinking cows’ milk to reap the benefits of the calcium and other nutrients in milk. The product launched in Australia in 2000 and is now available in the UK, China and the US.

The professors’ study in April compared the impact on those that drank conventional cows’ milk – milk with the A1 protein – with that of a2 Milk. The research was the first human based research testing the effects of the A1 versus A2 protein types on participants, half of whom were clinically confirmed as having issues with lactose digestion. The trial found that a2 Milk caused no gastrointestinal disturbance in any subjects – most tellingly, including those confirmed to have issues digesting lactose.

Professor Sun said:

“These are breakthrough findings for those who believe they suffer from lactose intolerance. It suggests that milk that only contains the A2 type protein has a natural affinity with the human body and digestion. Gut inflammation caused by the A1 type protein can be avoided by consuming milk products with only the A2 type protein. With so many people believing they are lactose intolerant, both in China and in the rest of the world, the findings are truly significant.”

The professors will also be announcing plans for a new study to be carried out in Jiaxin later this year. The new study will look at 100 five to six year old children who struggle drinking dairy. Apart from digestive symptoms the main objective of the study will be to look at the association between A2 protein and cognitive development. The a2 Milk Company is leading the way with this ground breaking research and hopes to continue to spread the news that lactose intolerance could be myth for many.

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