The trend for cosmetic surgery in China

Cosmetic surgery is a $2.5 billion a year industry in China and the market for plastic surgery is at a growing pace of 20% every year. An estimated 10,000 medical facilities and clinics in China offer cosmetic surgery procedures. How will this movement influence British Chinese and East Asian girls in the UK? 

By Nee Hao’s Beauty Editor, Ruth Tong 

With the fastest growing economy in the world and how Chinese society has been changing, China now ranks third in the world behind the United States and Brazil for the number of plastic surgeries performed. Over three million people in china have cosmetic operations a year, according to an official estimate.

When cosmetic surgery was introduced in 1994, nearly all clientele were entertainers and actresses. They were convinced that the operations on the eyes, noses and jaw lines would make them look more western and that would give them an advantage in the industry. Nowadays, young teenagers are undergoing surgery hoping to enhance their prospects in the workforce and sometimes, cosmetic surgery is given as a present after graduation.

What is interesting about how plastic surgery has changed in China is that during the 90s it was more fashionable and that the more you westernise your appearance, the more beautiful, whereas now, the beauty ideal has changed. Today it is the trend to enhance your own beauty without changing your ethnical appearance, or it is to change your features to look more like the actors and actresses in Hong Kong.

The most sought after operation in china, is Blepharoplasty which is also known as “double eyelid surgery” the cosmetic operation, reshapes the look of the eyes and creates a crease above the eyelid, forming a double eyelid. This makes many Chinese people feel that by creating larger and rounder eyes, it is classed as beautiful. The second most popular surgery is raising the bridge of the nose to make it appear more prominent and the third most popular procedure is reshaping the shape of the jaw to produce a softer looking face.

Not just women 

It’s not only women that are undergoing cosmetic surgery. The percentage in plastic surgery has risen in men also. A large number of men are getting implants to make them look like they have big muscles. The procedure is the one similar to women, except the implants are harder and shaped differently.

Men in China who have had this operation, said that a broader chest would have helped attract a partner and impress a client or boss.

There are a number of fly by night operators. These are known as “firemen “who are unskilled practitioners. They offer cheap, illegal cosmetic surgery and operate out of beauty salons. Nearly a quarter million of the Chinese have complained to authorities about botched operations.

Although complications from plastic surgery are rare nowadays. Each person should be aware of the possible risks of having plastic surgery. Risks and complications will differ depending on the individual and what procedure they are having.



由‘你好’杂志美容编辑Ruth Tong撰写

作为全球发展速度最快的经济体, 中国及其社会面貌一直不断地在改变。近年来中国已经成为居美国和巴西之后排名世界第三的最多发生美容外科手术的国家。据官方数据表明,每年有超过三百万中国人进行美容整形手术(数据将脸部注入玻尿酸这样的小型美容手术也计算在内).

美容整形外科于1994年由国外引入中国, 当时客户基本上都是娱乐圈的艺人明星们。他们坚信如果在眼睑,鼻子以及下巴动刀使其样貌变得西方化会让他们在整个娱乐圈更据优势。 如今连青少年都想通过美容整形手术来增加就业机会, 甚至美容手术已经成为一种父母送给子女的毕业贺礼。

有趣的是, 现今的人们不再像90年代时的那样认为外表越西化就越时髦了, 在他们心目中的美丽标准早已发生改变。 中国人更趋向于在不改变自己种族样貌的基础上提升魅力, 又或是修改自己脸上的某些相貌特征使其看起来更像某些港台明星。

在中国, 拥有最多需求的美容手术莫过于‘眼睑成形手术’了。其实简单一点就是双眼皮手术。通过手术重塑眼睛的形状以及在眼睑上增加一条皱褶使单眼皮变成双眼皮。因为双眼皮让眼睛看起来更大更圆, 更符合中国人的审美标准。垫鼻手术是仅次于割双眼皮的最受中国人追捧的整形手术。 这个手术并不复杂, 它是通过垫高鼻梁使整体脸型更突出, 让人的鼻子看起来更坚挺,侧面变得更有型。 排名第三的最受欢迎手术是下巴整形手术, 为的是让人的脸型变得更完美。


不仅仅只有女性去做美容手术, 男性近年来去整形医院的比例在持续加大中。有一部分的男士是去进行植入手术, 让自己的肌肉壮大。其实这样的手术程序跟女性隆胸基本一样, 不同的是手术植入物更硬更挺, 还有术后所塑造的形状也有所不同。


值得注意的是, 由于整形需求日益上升, 国内出现了大大小小不正规的整形医院。它们提供很便宜却不合法的美容整形手术。将近有25万人因此遭遇整形失败或术后不满意的痛苦经历, 并且不得不进行修补手术来试图恢复原貌。
尽管术后不满意的情况比较罕见,但我们还是要注意到在进行美容整形手术时可能会带来的各种 风险和失败。因为任何一种美容整形手术都会存在风险,并且风险的大小也是因人而异。


本杂志通过问卷调查发现, 居住在英国的亚裔女性们并没有像国内同胞那样热衷于在脸部动刀, 她们更注重的是身形方面的塑造。正所谓‘物以稀为贵’,作为少数族裔的她们更趋向于保留亚裔的相貌特征使自己在金发碧眼群中更显突出更炙手可热。不过西方女性更丰满, 身体曲线尤为分明。 这正是一向身型单薄的亚裔女性所羡慕和向往的。因此, 住在大洋彼岸的华亚裔女孩们通常会去做隆胸和提臀手术使其身材变得更性感更玲珑有致。


Have you had cosmetic surgery or thinking about it? Send us your thoughts in the form below or the comment section. 


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