At an early morning meeting today with Mr Zahirul Fahmi Zaini (the Immigration Attache at the Malaysian High Commission, London), Mr Edmond Yeo, the Chair at the Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC) was being briefed on the outcome of the recent mutual agreement made between the United Kingdom and Malaysia over the long standing British Overseas Citizen (BOC) issue.
The Home Office has now advised all former Malaysians who hold the BOC passport to contact their UKBA Immigration Case Officer respectively to apply for a new 5 years BOC passport immediately.
This would enable them to apply for an initial 5 years Resident’s leave to remain in Malaysia, and subsequently, they may be eligible to apply for settlement and naturalisation within the normal process in Malaysia.
It is believed that BOC passport holders who are not involved in any contentious issues outstanding with the UKBA may be allowed to enter and visit the United Kingdom at any time, subject to normal UK entry requirements.
(However, this could not be confirmed with the UKBA in time for this news release)
For any further information, please contact [email protected] or for a Malaysian Resident application form.
今日上午,华人资料及咨询中心(CIAC)主席杨庆权太平绅士先生和驻伦敦马来西亚大使馆的Zahirul Fahmi Zaini先生进行会面,在会面简报当中提到由英国与马来西亚就针对长期海外英国公民(BOC)的议题所制定的多方协议。
内政部(Home Office) 建议持有BOC护照的马来西亚人士,立刻向英国边境局(UKBA) 移民官申请新一度有效期五年的BOC护照。这将赋予他们申请五年马来西亚居留资格,随后他们将有资格从正常渠道申请归化马来西亚。
英国边境管理局(UKBA) 将允许持有BOC护照且未涉及争议性问题的的人士经由普通入境规定,随时入境、到访英国。
欲知进一步相关消息,请洽[email protected] 或 索取马来西亚居民申请书。
今日上午,華人資料及諮詢中心(CIAC)主席楊慶權太平紳士先生和駐倫敦馬來西亞大使館的Zahirul Fahmi Zaini先生進行會面,在會面簡報當中提到由英國與馬來西亞就針對長期海外英國公民(BOC)的議題所制定的多方協議。
內政部(Home Office) 建議持有BOC護照的馬來西亞人士,立刻向英國邊境局 (UKBA) 移民官申請新一度有效期五年的BOC護照。這將賦予他們申請五年馬來西亞居留資格,隨後他們將有資格從正常渠道申請歸化馬來西亞。
英國邊境管理局 (UKBA) 將允許持有BOC護照且未涉及爭議性問題的的人士經由普通入境規定,隨時入境、到訪英國。
欲知進一步相關消息,請洽 [email protected] 或 索取馬來西亞居民申請書。