World DMC Champion DJ VAJRA

One of the best all-round DJs in the scene today, DJ Vajra has earned a place among the industry’s elite. Whether he’s winning the biggest battles in the world or dropping a crushing mix set at the club, fans are quickly learning why he has become DJ Q-Bert’s “Favorite DJ in the world”. The name Vajra strikes fear into the hearts of DJs in the battle realm. His skills have earned him many accolades including becoming 2011 DMC USA & World Champion, 2010 & 2011 Red Bull Thre3style Colorado champion (3rd place USA finals), winning 5 DMC regional titles (2nd place in 2003 USA Finals, 3rd place 2004 USA finals), earning a coveted spot in the Allies All-Star Beatdown World Finals (3rd place North American finals), and becoming WSTC World Champion.

DJ VAJRA talks to Nee Hao Magazine


How old where you when you first started DJing? 

I was 17 when I first decided to take the art of dj’ing seriously. That was back in 1996

Has your taste in music changed since then? 

Yes, quite a bit. I like a lot more electronic music now then I did at that time. Back then I was mostly into hip hop.

How did it feel to compete in the DMC World Championship?

It feels pretty good when you win! Otherwise it can be pretty stressful preparing for it.

How does it feel to be world Champion? 

It feels great! It is something I never dreamed I would be able to accomplish, so I am extremely grateful that I was able to do it.

How do you feel technology has impacted your style such as using Serato Scratch Live and DVS compared to the old school stuff?

I like using digital a lot more than just using vinyl alone. The fact that it doesn’t skip, has no bass feedback,  and the addition of cue points, loops and effects expand the creative process to new levels.

What do you think is the most important aspect of being a DJ? 

The love of music. If you don’t love music, and sharing it with your friends, then you shouldn’t be a DJ.

Where and how did you learn your superb scratching and mixing skills from? 

It’s been a process that has taken place over the last 16 years, and I am still studying and practicing to get better every day.

You played in China before, did you enjoy it?

I played at club Mix in Beijing. It’s really cool out there! Interesting people, interesting food. I would love to come back again anytime!

What do you think of DJ Wordy, and the scene in China? 

DJ Wordy is DOPE! China is lucky to have a great champion leading the way for their DJ scene.  

What about the UK? Do you plan to do some gigs here? 

Yeah, I would love to come back there as well. I always have a great time when I’m in the UK.

What do you do to relax? 

Mostly hang out with my girlfriend and watch movies. I have 2 kids as well, so I always take them out to the zoo and museums.

How do you usually prepare for gigs and competitions? 

I try to look at every possible scenario and outcome and get prepared for everything. Things can still go wrong but it’s better to be prepared than not.

What DJs or musicians do you admire? 

Carze, Q-bert, Shortkut, Jeremy Ellis, Fast4wrd. Stevie Wonder, Flying Lotus, Z-trip and many many many others.

What is or are your favourite tracks in your record box at the moment? 

Scratch 22 – “Medicine Man”, Black Star – “Fix Up”, The Roots – “One Time” f/ Phonte

What are your future plans?

I am planning on releasing new mixes, remixes, tracks, and scratch records very soon.

Do you know how to eat with Chopsticks? 

Very well! I can snatch flies right out of the air with them.

Can you come to headline one of our Nee Hao Parties sometime, we have British Chinese DJs such as Dan Ngan, Lazyellow, DSD and DJ Phat leading the scene? 

Of course!!! I have heard that these DJs are doing a really good job in the British Chinese community. Just let me know and I would be honoured.

你第一次当DJ是什么时候的事, 在哪里?

我第一次决定对DJ这门艺术认真对待的时候, 我才17岁. 这能追溯回到1996年.


没错, 改变得相当多. 现在的我比那时更喜欢电子音乐,当年我可是非常热爱嘻哈(hip hop)一类的街头音乐的.

参加DMC 世界冠军杯的感觉如何? 

晋级时感觉太好了, 还有就是在为下一轮比赛准备的时候压力也相当的大.

在你赢得世界冠军的时候, 你有什么样的感觉? 

感觉简直棒极了. 我从来没想过能当世界冠军, 所以当自己做到的时候, 我既非常激动又非常感恩.

你觉得音乐科技的发展对你的DJ风格产生了影响吗, 特别是相对于运用了新的Serato Scratch Live 和 DVS 系统以后? 

相对于塑胶唱片技术, 我更多地喜欢用电子技术. 因为事实上用塑胶唱片没法有效地切换曲目, 而且它也没有贝斯效果. 还有就是电子技术带来的提示点, 循环以及特效等新增功能使整个创作的过程提高到了一个全新的级别.

你认为作为DJ 最重要的是哪个方面? 

对音乐的热爱最重要. 如果你都不热爱音乐还想要跟大家分享音乐, 那你就不应该做DJ.

你刮牒和混音的超群技术是从哪学的, 怎么学的? 

这是一个长达16年的学习过程, 而我现在还每天不断地学习和练习以求更大的进步.

你去过中国吗?  你觉得中国怎么样? 

我去过. 而且还在北京的Mix 俱乐部表演过呢. 那里真酷.有趣的人和食物! 我任何时候都想再次去中国.

你认为DJ Wordy 怎么样, 还有现在在中国的整个DJ业的情况如何? 

DJ Wordy 简直就是兴奋剂! 中国真是有幸得到他来作为领头军,带领整个DJ业蓬勃地发展.

你觉得英国怎么样? 你计划在这边做些特约表演吗? 

是啊, 我很想回到英国这边. 在这边渡过的时光总是那么的愉快, 让人想念不已.


绝大多数的时间都是和女友一起外出, 还有看看电影什么的. 对了我有两个小孩, 所以我还经常带他们去逛动物园或是博物馆.


我尝试着去假设可能会在表演秀(或是比赛时)发生的各种情形以及能达到的效果, 然后根据这些问题去寻找对策. 这样能最大程度地避免在表演秀或竞赛过程中发生状况时措手不及. 不过还是难以避免会有你从来想象不到的情况发生, 总之有准备好过没准备.


有啊, 很多很多, 比如说Carze, Q-bert, Shortkut, Jeremy Ellis, Fast4wrd. Stevie Wonder, Flying Lotus, Z-trip, 等等.


有, 比如Scratch 22 – “Medicine Man”, Black Star – “Fix Up”, The Roots – “One Time” f/ Phonte , 等等.


我正在准备当中, 计划推出一系列的混音, 重混, 唱片以及刮牒记录, 它们很快就会跟大家见面.


毋庸置疑, 我还会 “凌空夹蝇”的特技呢!

你能来我们 “你好”其中的一个派对做特约表演吗, 是否愿意跟我们的英籍华裔DJ(包括DJ Dan Ngan, Lazyellow, DSD 以及 DJ Phat等)一起做秀? 

当然愿意. 我听说他们最近干得很不错嘛, 为英国华人社区的娱乐事业作出不小的贡献呐. 告诉我你什么时候开派对, 我为能参与 “你好”的派对感到很荣幸.

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