Zheng Haozhong – John Moores Painting Prize China

The Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) continues its relationship with the John Moores Painting Prize China through a presentation of work by 2014 prize winner, Zheng Haozhong.

Zheng Haozhong graduated from Beijing’s Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2008. A young rising star, he has already attracted the attention of art institutions and private art collections around the world. Zheng paints the life surrounding him, providing a refreshing look into the changing landscape of rural China today. Working primarily with oil on canvas, his works give us a fresh take on portraiture. Both lyrical and thoughtful, the artist lets the ideas of space and time play out directly in his paintings.

This exhibition coincides with the announcement of this year’s John Moores Painting Prize China which forms a key strand of Liverpool Biennial 2016. First launched in China in 2010, this will be CFCCA’s third time hosting the exhibition of the winning artist.

Lewis Biggs, Trustee of Liverpool John Moores Exhibition Trust, commented:

“The John Moores Painting Prize has refreshed the quality of painting in the public eye in the UK for almost 60 years. Through its anonymous judging process, the JMPP competition in China is unique in the Chinese art world, ensuring that only the intrinsic quality of the painting (not the market, nor the education system, nor the existing reputation of the artist) is recognised. Zheng Haozhong’s brilliant solo exhibition shows why the jurors were seduced by the artist’s innovative use of traditional oil painting to explore his own intimate surroundings through a filmic / storyboarding approach to narrative.”

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