August Babe of the Month – Thera Tang (Shanghai)

For August, Nee Hao readers are in for a treat as we have a double babe of the month feature. First up is our international babe of the month, miss Thera Tang from Shanghai.
Age: 26

Job: Fashion Blogger and model

Current location: Shanghai

From: Shanghai

Favourite fashion style: Classic style and Streetwear

What do you do in your spare time: Shopping, reading and hanging out with friends

Any make up tips to share with NeeHao’s readers? It is very important to clean and hydrate your skin before putting on any make-up, this will make your skin more smooth and radiant, and also the make-up won’t go off easily, so I would always apply a facial mask before hand.

Favourite holiday destination: Bali

Favourite food: Hotpot

Enjoy or not enjoy clubbing? Hanging out with friends is one of my favourite things to do in my spare time. Yes, I enjoy clubbing indeed!

P.S. I’m here to take the opportunity to wish all Nee Hao’s readers a lovely summery August, and don’t forget to check out my Instagram: theratang. <3
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职业: 时尚博主, 模特

现居地: 上海

祖籍: 上海

最喜爱时尚风格: 古典风格和街头风格


请与“你好”读者分享一些您的个人化妆心得: 妆前洁肤和润肤的这两个步骤是不可少的. 所以我每次化妆前都要先敷面膜, 这样妆后的皮肤会显得更水润光滑, 而且也不容易脱妆.

最喜爱的旅游胜地: 巴厘

最喜爱食品: 火锅/打边炉

喜欢参加派对活动么? 就像我上面刚提到的, 闲暇时我喜欢和朋友们外出, 所以当然喜欢参加派对啦. 我借此机会向”你好”杂志的读者们问好, 祝你们有个愉快的夏天, 还有记得关注我的Instagram: theratang.

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