Babe of August 2013
(Summer Special) – Lisa Hui
Age: 19
Birthday: 28/05
Height: 166 cm
Current location: Toronto
From: Hong Kong+ Zhe Jiang, but I had lived in Saudi Arabia for six years.
来自:香港 祖籍浙江, 曾旅居沙地阿拉伯6年
Occupation/Profession: Student/ Singer/ Performer
Favourite holiday destination: Hawaii and Spain
Favourite fashion style: I love all styles!
Favourite food: I love all food (except vegetables)
最喜爱的食物: 除了蔬菜什么都爱.
Enjoy or not enjoy going clubbing?
I do enjoy clubbing, but I barely go.
喜不喜欢参加派对 : 很喜欢参加派对, 但是很少去.
Do you wish to be Nee Hao magazine’s Babe of the month? Send in a few photos and a brief bio to us and you can be featured in the future.
如果你想成为Nee Hao杂志的“本月宝贝”, 就请尽快给我们寄来你的照片和个人简历吧. 相信你会成为最有人气的宝贝!
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