Babe of the Month for July – Laurie Lee (Manchester)

Laurie Lee

Name: Laurie Lee

Age: 21

Occupation: Product Build Assistant

Current location: London

Place of  birth: Manchester

Favourite fashion style: Nerdy look

What do you do in your spare time? I like to play video games, model and learn new languages.

Any make-up tips to share with Nee Hao readers? It’s not about the amount of make-up you use, its about how you use it. A little can go a long way.

Favourite holiday destination: Disneyland, Paris

Favourite food: This is so hard…. I love FOOD.. I think meat… is my preferred TYPE of food though ahaha!

Enjoy or not enjoy clubbing? Yes, I like to go out and relax with friends occasionally.

Laurie Lee

Laurie Lee





闲暇时喜欢做的事情:我喜欢玩电玩游戏, 模特走秀以及学习新的语言.

和“你好”的读者们分享一下化妆心得:化妆不是说化越多越浓越好, 而是你怎么去化妆. 有时简单几笔却能画龙点睛.


最喜爱食品:这个问题好难啊…我超爱吃的…我想应该是肉…比较喜欢吃荤菜, 哈哈!

喜不喜欢参加派对?喜欢, 时不时会和朋友们去放松一下.

Laurie Lee

Laurie Lee

Laurie Lee



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