Bachelor of the month for August – William Li

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Nee Hao’s Bachelor of the Month for August is the cool and handsome William Li, a corporate Lawyer based in London. He is a big foodie fan and enjoys nothing more than a medium rare steak with a glass of red wine.

Age: 32

Born: London

Current location: London

Job: English Solicitor/Corporate Lawyer

Favourite Food: I’m a big foodie – so I love trying out different types of food. If it’s in the morning then it has to be a full English breakfast or eggs Benedict. In the evening, nothing much beats a nice medium rare steak (with a glass of red wine). Any other time – I’m a big dessert fan – especially for home made warm apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Enjoy or not enjoy clubbing? I think if you are out with your friends, the clubbing (or any other activity) can be great fun. I’m not the sort of person that would go clubbing every week, but I do like going out with my friends generally.

What is your idea of a romantic evening? This is a hard one – as a big foodie fan (I think I’ve mentioned that before!), it would have to be a nice romantic dinner for two, followed by a nice stroll on the beach (or by the river if you are in the city). Classic, but it works for me.

Disclaimer: Nee Hao asked William to be bachelor of the month a while back, but during the course of publishing this article, we have since been notified that he will be getting married at the end of the month and will no longer be available for any date requests. The ship has sailed.

出生地: 伦敦

现居地: 伦敦

职业: 事务律师 企业律师

最喜爱食物: 我很大吃 – 所以我喜爱尝试各种不同的食物. 如果是在早上, 我一定要吃全套英式早餐或班尼迪蛋. 如果是晚上, 那就没有任何东西比得过5分熟牛排(配上一杯红酒). 至于其它时间 – 我是个甜点超级粉, 自家做的苹果派加上一勺香草冰淇淋, 那叫一个完美.

喜欢参加派对活动么? 我认为如果是跟朋友们一起出去的话, 那派对(或任何其它活动)都会很好玩的. 我并不是那种每个礼拜都要去夜店的人, 但总的来说我喜欢跟朋友们一起外出.

请分享一下你是如何制造一个浪漫夜晚的: 这个问题有点难 – 作为吃货的我, 浪漫的夜晚肯定少不了烛光晚餐, 饭后来个美好的海滩漫步(如果不在海滨城市,可以选择市内的河畔). 这主意大家可能觉得没什么新意, 但这对我来说是最浪漫的.

声明: 较早前“你好”杂志得到通知, 威廉将于月底完婚, 至此不再接受任何约会请求. “名草有主”的消息一出, 让众多女士倍感遗憾.


This photo is courtesy of: Ammy Lam Photography

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This photo is courtesy of: Ammy Lam Photography


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