China Mobile International Launches Business in UK

China Mobile International Ltd (CMI) have recently announced the launch of CMLink, its mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) business in the UK. CMLink will provide mobile voice and data services designed for Chinese immigrants, students and professionals living in and traveling to the UK.

There is a significant Chinese community living and working in the UK with over 433,000 British-Chinese living in the UK today. Furthermore, over 82,000 Chinese nationals were studying in the UK on student visas, up 17 percent year-on-year, while visits to the UK from China reached 115,000 in the first half of 2017, 47 percent higher than last year. This growing trend of travel between China and the UK has created demand for services that enable consumers to stay connected.

“China Mobile’s ‘Big Connectivity’ strategy affirms its vision of becoming a leading global operator with innovative digital services.” said Dr. Li Feng, Chairman and CEO at CMI. “While China Mobile serves 880 million domestic mobile subscribers, CMI – its operating subsidiary responsible for international business – is breaking new ground in overseas markets. With the growing business and cultural exchanges between China and the UK, the launch of CMI’s CMLink MVNO, enables Chinese communities to stay connected with family, friends and business partners anytime, anywhere. We expect the UK launch to be a new chapter in CMI delivering compelling digital services that break down barriers of communication for global consumers while fostering open exchange between Belt and Road companies.”

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