Nee Hao Elites: PwC Senior Consultant Interview – Danni Zhang Exclusive

布里斯托大学EAF的学姐Danni说,她能成功申到英国PwC 的Graduate Scheme是因为…


Graduate Scheme 是很多英国大公司为了吸引优秀毕业生专门设立的一个培养计划。因为它不要求工作经验,又提供系统的培训,更重要的是,很多Graduate Scheme 是可以提供Tier 2工作签证的。所以,它成为了许多中国留学生在英找工作的首选目标。


然而,申请过Graduate Scheme 的同学肯定都知道它的难度。各种Application forms,Online tests, Telephone interview, Assessment centre…层层严格的筛选,一次又一次的申请,可最后拿到offer的寥寥无几。


当听说毕业于布大MSc Economic, Accounting and Finance的Danni学姐成功的拿下了PwC的Graduate scheme时,我是哎(学)呀(姐)嘛(大)呀(神)的!除了,羡慕嫉妒不恨之外,我更多的是好奇!同样是中国留学生,同样是布大毕业,跟我们有着同样起点和背景的学姐,她神奇地做到了!






Q: 在读研期间应该注重哪些能力的培养?

A: 课外活动很重要!尽量多的参与一些课外活动,尤其是可以锻炼到Leadership能力的活动。比如说:学校里的Course Rep(课代表), 社团执委,校外志愿者,等等。这些经历都会是你将来工作面试时Competency question的绝佳谈资。


Q: 怎样才能顺利在工作面试中通关?

A:  准备,准备,还是准备!(学姐您的意思就是,一定要有充分的准备呗!我懂叻!!)






Q: PwC的这个Graduate Scheme到底有多好?

A: 通过这个毕业生计划后,你将会得到3年的专业培训和工作经历,而且公司会免费提供你ACA 会计资格证的培训,支持你报名参加考试。


当然,具体的有关Application forms到底如何填写,怎样在Assessment centre脱颖而出,还有PwC的内部机密招聘信息。就请大家来到我们‘你好精英’的活动现场,面对面的听Danni学姐的精彩分享吧!

有任何关于找工作和申请Graduate Scheme的问题,也欢迎届时在Networking Session环节,向Danni学姐提问哦!学姐人超级Nice,一定会为大家一一解答的。

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以下是Danni Zhang 学姐个人专访的英文原版:




Q: When did you come to the UK, and what did you study?

A: I came to the UK when I was 17 and had the privilege of experiencing some of the best UK educational experience – from independent school education for my A-levels, Top 1 business school WBS for undergraduate, to Russel Group Bristol University for masters study.

Q: What is the most valuable experience in university?

I’m the founding member and External Officer of Warwick university’s largest Chinese academic student society CPASS (China Public Affairs and Social Service Society), and organised a variety of events, including Peking Forum (in co-operation with Peking University), All England Debating Competition, and Yunan Summer Volunteering programme etc.

Q: Can you give some advice on how to succeed in an interview for a job at a top 100 company? 

Preparation, preparation and preparation.

1. Know the format of interview, including how many questions will be asked and key competence areas that the firm are seeking to interview on;

2. Go through all your past experiences that can be used to demonstrate these competences;

3. Practice giving answers in STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to make sure your answers are coherent and complete.

Q: How should one prepare for job interview: before and during?

Before: Gain a good understanding of what the whole application process involves, as each company’s recruitment process varies, but generally it will include an online application -> telephone interview -> assessment centre -> final interview.

During: Give yourself plenty of time to prepare for each stage of the application, and as soon as finished one stage, start preparing for the next one whilst waiting for the outcome (don’t start preparing only until you are informed about the outcome, this will tend to leave you much less time if you do pass)
 Q: How do I know the course I am studying is relevant to my future career? 

A:1. Think: Indicate that I am laying down a good foundation for the career I’m pursuing because of the its relevance;

2. Extra-curriculum experience gained outside the course is very valuable and provides great demonstration for my competences, so do participate as much activities involving leadership and initiative;

3. Make use of the career service provided by university, including attending all sorts of career events to know the job opportunities available, skills-sessions, and career advisory sessions with the career adviser.

Q: Can you tell us the difference and benefits of a Graduate Scheme compared to a job via the normal channels? 

A: Training and job experiences that lead to ACA accountancy qualification after 3 years

Graduate scheme provides a nice transition from university life to professional life, given that you are still attending college and working, rather than jump straight to an alien working life.

And what is also great about my job is that PwC is a highly regarded firm within the professional services industry, and its scale allows me to be exposed to some of the biggest companies in the country and learn about how their business processes work.

Another thing is I am provided with structured formal training as opposed to more tailored training if working for smaller firms, and this training will be applicable elsewhere if I do consider moving to work in other firms later on.

Q: What is the work environment like in PwC?

A: Working environment in PwC can be generally described as driven and sociable.

People in every service line especially those in the more senior positions are taking their jobs very seriously and are passionate about delivering the best quality of client work.

So there tends to be lots of heated debate on how to best implement it whenever there is new change in the audit work guidance. Team dynamics vary depending which team you are with, what type of client you are working on and the size of the team etc, but the majority of people are hard-working and driven to deliver good performance at work.

Another important aspect is in regards to socialising. This aspect has been great given that there’s never lack of social events at PwC, just whether you are willing to make time to attend them all!

We have monthly office drinks, house events (whole office divided into four houses based on Game of Throne), games night, charity balls etc. Among people in the same intake year, we also organise socials amongst ourselves, Everyone enjoys this aspect a lot so far.



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