The Babe of the Month for December Miss Chloe Ho (12月宝贝)

Babe of the Month for December 2011:

Chloe Ho

Age: 20

From: Newcastle

来自: 纽卡索

Job: Model & passenger service agent for Emirates & Swissport


Favourite food: mmm… too many, anything that’s sweet? I’ve got such a sweet tooth haha

最喜欢食品:嗯…太多了, 只要是甜品我都喜欢。我有一口专消灭甜食的牙齿。

Enjoy or not enjoy going out clubbing? I’d be boring if i didnt enjoy clubbing. I love a good party

喜不喜欢跳舞?本人认为自己挺无聊的, 不爱去夜店。 不过倒是喜欢参加好的派对。


Photo by Karl Shaw
Chloe chilling out with her friend
Karl Shaw Photography

Click here for December’s Bachelor of the Month Sy Chenh 

Click here for November’s Babe of the Month Janet chu 


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