Criteria Fieldwork need Chinese nationals for paid market research

Market research is an interesting way to meet like-minded people, speak about your opinions and experience and contribute to the development of products and services that meet your needs. It is common to receive a cash honoraria or occasionally a gift for participating in market research.

Focus groups are designed to be fun and engaging and provide a real opportunity for participants to shape the future.

Criteria Fieldwork is a market research company, and arranges research on a vast range of different subjects and with a range of different types of people.

They are often asked to organise focus groups with Chinese nationals, to help their clients develop products for the market in China, or for the Chinese community in the United Kingdom too.

Focus group in Central London on Wednesday 8 June 2016

Criteria Fieldwork are currently organising a very interesting piece of research about hotels, taking place on Wednesday 8th June in the evening in Central London and are looking for Chinese nationals who have been resident in the UK for less than 3 years.

If you are interested in participating in this particular research please email [email protected] with your contact telephone number so that they can ask some further questions and confirm whether you will be eligible.

If you are interested in participating in market research in the future but aren’t available on the 8th June, you can sign up to participate in research at

A fee of £80 will be paid to each eligible participant.
A fee of £80 will be paid to each eligible participant.


Criteria Fieldwork 需要中国参与者加入一项有酬市场调查


小组焦点座谈会focus group是以一种有趣的方式给参与者们提供了能够塑造未来的真正机会。

Criteria Fieldwork 是专门从事市场调查的公司,为不同的题目安排各类参与者进行各种类型的问卷调查。



Criteria Fieldwork现在要举办一个有趣的关于酒店的市场调查,这个活动将于2016年的6月8日周三晚上在中心伦敦展开。因此他们希望更多目前在英国定居不超过三年的中国小伙伴们参与。

如果你对这个活动感兴趣并想参与,请把你的电话号码电邮至[email protected] ,他们会联络你进行进一步的提问,从而确认你是否适合参与这个活动。如果你想要参与但无法出席6月8日的活动,那么你也可以通过在上注册去完成此市场调查。


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