阿尔维斯 Dani Alves 绝妙反击族歧侮辱


Barcelona FC Player Dani Alves shows a great way in dealing with racism during yesterday’s match against Villareal. A fan threw a banana on the pitch as the Brazilian international was about to take a corner. He picked up the banana, peeled it off, took a bite and took the corner whilst still having his mouth full.

Dani Alves said after the 3-2 win: “I don’t know who threw the banana but I want to thank him. It gave me the energy to put two more crosses in for our goals.” 

The The 30-year-old had already raised the issue of racial abuse last year when he was taunted with monkey chants from some fans at a Real Madrid match. He described racism in Spanish football as a ‘lost war’. 

Dani Alves

足球中对球员种族歧视的诟病存在多年,即使欧足联早已明文规定诸如此类行为一经发现必受重罚,仍屡禁不止。球迷往往以各种下三滥手段试图干扰球员比赛。巴萨对比利亚雷亚尔的比赛中就出现了球迷对阿尔维斯扔香蕉的可耻行为。面对这种幼稚可笑的对方球迷,他以一种巧妙和幽默的方式来作出回应, 赢得了媒体的高度称赞.


赛后阿尔维斯表示:“要感谢球迷给他香蕉增加体力,那口香蕉可供他再发两个好的角球。他坦然面对这种丑陋的种族歧视行为,必须承受这一切, 在西班牙住了11年,族歧一直存在。相同的事情一再发生,只能一笑而过。” 以前阿尔维斯在比赛中总是被球迷叫作“猴子”,那时的他会相当火大,也曾在推特上表示“对西班牙一些地方存在严重的种族主义感到遗憾”, 并呼吁严惩族歧行为。这一次阿尔维斯理智巧妙的回应不但是对球迷可悲行为的最好反击,更为他赢得了世人的尊重和掌声。


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