London, UK – On the 10th July, the emerging social innovation sector in China will be the focus of an open debate that aims to explore opportunities for collaboration and knowledge-share between China and the UK within this field and beyond.
Chaired by Lawrence Bloom, who currently spends half his time in China connected with the highest levels of the Chinese Administration and advising on breakthrough environmental and economic technologies, projects and policies, the event is aimed at social professionals in the social enterprise, sustainability, CSR and not-for-profit sector looking to learn more about the relevance of China.
Opening a discussion on the lessons and opportunities driving these sectors, the event invites the perspective of professionals like Erika Helms and Tristan Edmonson that have worked in China to share first-hand expertise of what the country has to offer. Start-up entrepreneurs from the UK with recent experience in China will also be joining the discussion to signal for an engaging debate.
This promising event is hosted by We Impact in partnership with HUB Islington and the ChinaNext Foundation. We Impact is a social enterprise based in Beijing, China and London. Its mission is to develop and promote opportunities to realize sustainable lifestyles around the world. Hub Islington is a co-working space and community for socially driven start-ups and the original in a global network with over 4,000 members across four continents. The ChinaNext Foundation is a newly registered charity in the UK that seeks to serve as bridge builder between civil organizations in China and Europe by initiating more cultural dialogues. It is also committed to China’s long-term social development by providing scholarships and training opportunities for young people to increase participation in the non-profit sector in China.
Expert Panel:
Lawrence Bloom – Chair of expert panel
As head of Real Estate for the Intercontinental Hotel Group, Lawrence was the man behind the Hotel Environmental Manual, subsequently adopted by HRH Prince of Wales and now operational in over 5 million hotel bedrooms worldwide. Lawrence Bloom is currently engaged in very high level strategy discussions with the Chinese leadership around economic, social and environmental sustainability which he believes are inextricably linked to cultural values. He is creating with major International and Chinese participation a Swiss NPO Foundation, ”Pathway”, where he will be Co Chairman of the Formal Board. This platform has a mirror image in China “The Hanwang Forum” which will implement major transformational projects in China, and globally.
Erika Helms – Non-profits in China
Erika Helms is the Founder and CEO of Linking China Ltd, a social enterprise focused on exchanges between the Third Sectors of Europe and China, aimed at building capacities in China’s social sector. Erika worked for more than ten years in the non-profit sector in China, most recently as the Executive Director for the Jane Goodall Institute China, an international 1organization, that under her leadership, established locally-registered offices in Beijing and Chengdu; and has expanded in reach and impact. She currently serves of the Board of Directors for JGI China. Erika holds a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) from Columbia University, and also previously worked for television media in China for five years.
Tristan Edmonson, CSR ASIA – CSR in China
Until 2010 Tristan worked in Beijing running a small consultancy producing market intelligence on China’s clean technology industry. He now works for CSR Asia, the leading provider of information, training, research and consultancy services on sustainable business practices in Asia and is responsible for delivering projects for European clients and acting as a bridge between their Asian and European operations.
Isabel Hilton, China Dialogue
Prior to becoming editor of Chinadialogue, an independent, non-commercial bilingual website devoted to the publication of high quality information and debate on the environment, Isabel gained extensive experience in journalism and has reported on China, Latin America, the Middle East and Europe for the Financial Times, the New York Times, The Guardian, amongst many others. Since 2001 she has also been presenter of the BBC Radio Three’s cultural programme, Night Waves. She has an MA (hons) in Chinese from Edinburgh University and, after two years postgraduate work in Edinburgh, studied in China for two years, first at the Beijing Foreign Language and Culture University and then at Fudan University in Shanghai.
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