Bachelor of the Month for June – Geoffrey Yeung


Age: 28

Born: UK

Current location: London

Job: Having graduated as a scholar from Harrow School and attended the Royal College of Music (JD), I subsequently majored in economics at UCL. I currently work as a Senior Lawyer in the heart of Mayfair, London.

Favourite food: Being a certified foodie, I love all foods but particularly enjoy indulging in steaks, lobsters and sushi. If I had to choose an absolute favourite, that award would definitely go to my Mum’s homemade spaghetti – nothing can beat that!

Fashion preferences: Probably best described as a “geeky prepster” when I’m not in the office (i.e. a bit geeky, a bit preppy and a bit hipster). You will often find me donned in a classic Polo shirt, geeky Tom Ford glasses, rocked up High Tops trainers and a pair of coloured jeans.

At work, it’s all about the three piece suit, with my current time piece complimenting the entire attire – the awesome Breitling Navitmer “Montbrilliant Legend”.

Where would you take a girl on a first date? 

A first date is very important and dining with good company is certainly top on the priority list; however “setting the scene “is also up there in the ranks.

My secret location reflects what I admire in a person: sophistication, jazz, style and beauty, yet with unspoken and effortless elegance.

Enjoy or not enjoy clubbing? Although not a great fan of clubbing (anymore!), with the right people and the right crowd, I’m usually game for a 3:00 am drive back home.

Front or side on, the senior lawyer always looks sharp
Geoffrey can serenade you all night long. He is very handy with the piano.

出生地:英国 现居伦敦

职业:上过皇家音乐学院以及全额奖学金毕业于哈罗公学, 之后在UCL读经济. 现任伦敦Mayfair一家律师行的高级律师.

最喜爱食品:作为一个标准吃货, 我喜爱所有类型的食品, 特别是牛排,龙虾以及寿司。如果非要我选出一样最爱的,那只能是我妈做的意粉,没有一样其它食品可以与之媲美.

时尚品味:不在办公室上班时,估计最能形容我的词是极客哥(geeky prester),就是有那么一点随性,又有那么一点学院派,再有那么一点的嬉皮风格. 我总穿经典款的PoloT恤,配戴一副随性的Tom Ford眼镜,脚踩高邦运动鞋加牛仔裤.


喜不喜欢参加派对?曾是派对家,现在比较少参加了. 如果是适合的人和团队,我当然也会毫不犹豫地玩到凌晨3点才回家。








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