Model Interview – Elizabeth Ai Li


Elizabeth Ai-Li has built a name for herself over the past few years as a model and has done a wide variety of photo shoots for a number of magazines and websites.

As she expands to the UK market, Nee Hao’s Young Tan takes the opportunity to have a quick Q&A session with Lizzy about her experience as a model and her thoughts on the Asian modelling industry.

NH: What made you want to become a model and when did you first get into the profession?

EA: I began modelling after my first year at university where I studied Life Science. It was initially a hobby to relieve stress from my studies and was a good creative outlet for me, which my field study greatly lacked.

NH: You’ve done a lot of modelling already but what is your favourite type and what kind would you like to try in the future?

EA: I’d love to model for a few of my favourite lingerie brands such as For Love and Lemons and Gooseberries Intimates, both of which have campaigns shot in the editorial style that influenced my style.

NH: What are your favourite brands of clothing to wear or makeup to use?

EA: I don’t have any favourites for either really.

NH: As a model how do you stay fit and healthy?

EA: Well I eat what I like and stay fit by taking Zumba classes as well as by doing some light weightlifting.

NH: From some of your pictures you seem to have a love of bunnies. Any particular reason why?

EA: One of my friends once said that I resembled my bunny – who is called Mr. Bunny – and it became a running joke between us that eventually just became a part of my persona really.

NH: Adorable! And finally, do you think it’s important for more Asian models to be more prominent in the international modelling and fashion industries?

EA: While I do think the industry does definitely lack a strong Asian presence, I personally don’t want my recognition to be focused solely upon my ethnicity.

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