
Contestant No.2 – Name: Ivy H – Current location: Dubai – Style: Shirt and Denim
Contestant No.2 – Name: Ivy H – Current location: Dubai – Style: Gingham shirt and Denim


你好传媒联手时尚大牌Folli Follie,评选今年冬季最时尚的东方女孩。只要参与,你就有机会获得Folli Follie价值£180的当季爆款包包或者价值£120的玫瑰镀金项链!!!爱美又时尚的你,还等什么!!!

比赛主题-East Meets West

为了回报亚洲消费者对Folli Follie的喜爱,此次比赛将针对所有在英的时尚亚洲女性,比如中国,东亚和东南亚的妹纸,全都可以参赛哦!


挑选一张你认为最fashion最符合我们这次比赛主题-‘East Meets West’的个人照片,到我们的微信公共主页,或者发送到你好传媒的官方邮箱 fashion@neehao.co.uk. 参赛截止日期为:2016年1月8日,比赛结果于2月份公布!


我们将在你好传媒的官网,微信平台以及Facebook主页实时更新参赛者的信息。最终将通过公众投票和专家评选的方式,选出最后的春冬时尚达人,领取由Folli Follie提供的超值时尚大奖!

Contestant No.3 – Name: Isabella Zhang– Current location: London – Style: Zara, skirt is Mary Katrantzou, and the bag and hair accessories is Tile Cat.
Contestant No.3 – Name: Isabella Zhang– Current location: London – Style: Zara, skirt is Mary Katrantzou, and the bag and hair accessories is Tile Cat.


此次时尚大赛的冠军将获得价值£180的Folli Follie最新款Santorini Flower的真皮包包. 获奖者将在四种颜色中任选一款。

Prize to the winner - The Santorini flower leather cross-body bag. (Click on image for more details)
Prize to the winner – The Santorini flower leather cross-body bag. (Click on image for more details)

亚军将获得价值£120的新款Santorini Flower玫瑰镀金项链。

The runner-up will receive the new Santorini Flower Necklace featuring an intricate flower design in an elegant gold circle. (Click on image for more details)
The runner-up will receive the new Santorini Flower Necklace featuring an intricate flower design in an elegant gold circle. (Click on image for more details)

如果你觉得自己的照片不够好, 不妨于11月21日下午1点至3点到伦敦Regents Street的Folli Follie 店里,我们的时尚摄影师Emmanuelle Koo将在那里守候,想要参赛的你可以直接找她为你拍摄专业美照。

哦, 对了, 在此提供给大家Folli Follie的20%off 网络打折码:NEEHAO20

20% Off with code NEEHAO20
20% Off with code NEEHAO20
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