New agreement strengthens tech innovation between Birmingham and China

(L-R) Mr Xiaodong Ye,  Deputy Director of Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Equipment of JITRI, Professor Jon Frampton, Director of the University of Birmingham’s China Institute and Professor Qing Liu, President of JITRI

The University of Birmingham (UoB) and Jiangsu Industry Technology Research Institute (JITRI) have signed a new ¥6,000,000 agreement to develop innovative equipment that will help researchers test the strength of microparticles.


Both partners will work together on the project that could see the instrument developed by experts in Birmingham and Nanjing being sold to research institutes across China and, ultimately, around the globe.


The agreement was signed at a special ceremony in Birmingham by Professor Qing Liu, President of JITRI, Mr Xiaodong Ye, Deputy Director of Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Equipment at JITRI and Professor Jon Frampton, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (China) and Director of the University of Birmingham’s China Institute.

产研院院长刘庆(Qing Liu)教授、产研院机器人与智能装备技术研究所副所长叶晓东(Xiaodong Ye)以及英国伯明翰大学执行副校长兼伯明翰大学中国学院主任约翰·范普顿(Jon Frampton)教授在伯明翰大学举行的特别签约仪式上签署了这一合作协议。

Professor Zhibing Zhang, Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham will lead the work, which is financially supported by JITRI for three years. The project is the result of an initial agreement signed between the partners in Nanjing during University of Birmingham Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir David Eastwood’s visit to JITRI in November 2016.


Professor Jon Frampton said: “Today’s agreement is testament to the exciting partnership developing between the University of Birmingham and JITRI. We look forward to seeing the results of this project enhance nanoparticle research in the UK, China and around the world.

约翰·范普顿(Jon Frampton)教授说:今天,协议的签署体现了伯明翰大学和江苏省产业技术研究院之间建立了令人振奋的合作关系。我们期望项目研究成果能够起到促进英中两国乃至全球纳米研究的作用。

“The University of Birmingham’s reputation in China continues to grow as our researchers foster strong partnerships across the globe. We are honoured to work with JITRI in helping to drive global innovation and manufacturing progress.”


The partnership is intended to help both institutions work together on research, development and demonstration activities that will help to bring new products to global markets.


It also helps to strengthen links between Jiangsu Province and the City of Birmingham in working together on other areas industrial research and development, such as advanced manufacturing and electronic information systems.


Professor Qing Liu, President of JITRI, said: “JITRI’s goal is to make the top scientific research results be actually applied by building relationships with leading universities around the world and also help scientists to achieve their ideas. The successful cooperation of the project is an important breakthrough. We hope that in the future there will be more project teams to come to cooperate with JITRI and specialized institutes of JITRI.”


Following the signing JITRI representatives met top University of Birmingham researchers in the fields of 3D scanning, railway technology and automotive engineering – including Professor Kyle Jiang.

在签署合作协议后,产研院代表们与伯明翰大学来自三维扫瞄、铁路技术和汽车工程等领域的顶尖研究团队会面,包括伯明翰大学机械工程学院的姜开春教授(Kyle Jiang)。

Professor Qing Liu was accompanied by Dr. Haisheng Sun, Director of Resource Development Department; Dr. Sonny Xu, UK Representative of JITRI; Xiaodong Ye, Deputy Director of Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Equipment; Penny Low, Senior Industry Consultant; and Xin Yao, from the Resource Development Department.

陪同刘庆教授一同出席的还有资源开发部主任孙海生博士、产研院英国代表Sunny Xu博士、机器人与智能装备技术研究所副所长叶晓东、高级产业经济顾问Penny Low以及资源开发部姚鑫。

JITRI sponsors research collaboration with Chinese and global universities in a range of areas, including: advanced materials; biotechnology and new medicine; environmental protection; next generation information technology and software; and innovative equipment manufacturing.


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