Overstepping the line – Domestic Violence in the Chinese community

By way of introduction, as I write for Nee Hao, my name is Tiffany Wan. I am a solicitor working in Commercial Property for Edwards Duthie, a regional law firm in London. My passion for law and interest in journalism has presented me this opportunity to write on this platform to reach out a wider audience.

She came in with bruises over her arms and her lip was cut. She trembled in fear as she told me her story. He entered the room with no obvious signs until he lifted up his jumper to reveal multiple scratch and cigarette burn marks on his lower arm.

They are all victims of domestic violence.

This is a very serious issue and should not be overlooked in our community.

Just because you may be in a relationship with another person does not mean they can abuse their position and cause you harm.

Whether you are a victim of domestic violence or a family member or friend who knows of someone who has been abused – you should always know the options available so we can put a stop to such behaviour.

I feel strongly about domestic violence and do not feel that any individual has the right to degrade or hurt another human being no matter what the situation or dispute at hand.

During Christmas when many of us are enjoying a pleasurable time with those we love, please be aware that domestic violence can happen to anyone that we know. Last year there were 269,700 domestic abuse crimes and police were reported to take a call on domestic violence every 30 seconds. The Crime Survey for England and Wales found that at least 30% of women and 16.3% of men will experience domestic violence during their lifetime.

Below are some pointers to assist those in need:

Domestic violence is any controlling, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between adults who are in an intimate relationship or family set up. It often involves assaults, threats, humiliation, intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish or frighten their victims.

Victims who have suffered domestic violence can call the police to assist them. The police will often investigate the matter and either press charges or issue out cautions to those offending the law.

There are also a wide range of charities offering either shelter or advice for victims in need:

National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247 (24 hours)

Law Clinics and Pro Bono Groups throughout London

Victims can approach solicitors who work in Family and Matrimonial Law. They will be able to advise on what can legally be done and most often they can obtain Injunctions and a variety of Court Orders to put protections in place.

At any point in time and especially during festive seasons such as Christmas we should try to practice kindness and compassion to those around us. Help those in need; especially victims of domestic violence who are often silent victims.

Tiffany Wan – Edwards Duthie 

If there are any specific issues; please do not hesitate to contact me via [email protected].

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