Pervert proof stockings photo from China goes viral

A quirky fashion designer in China has come up with an ingenious idea to prevent unwanted attention from men looking at the legs of women, in what was described by a person on Weibo (the Chinese version of Twitter) as the ultimate pervert proof piece of clothing every female should have. The unique design of the stockings/leggings are covered in fake hair to make even the sexiest of legs appear undesirable.

The picture posted on Sina Weibo by @Happy张江 has since gone viral on a global scale. 

One netizen Yan Li commented “this is quite clever, I would buy a pair if others wear them too, to stop men looking at my legs. Sometimes I like to look sexy but not at rush hour when I am already running late for work, this makes so much sense”. 

Another social media user under the handle – Jason Wang said “they look like the legs of a man, so it would definitely put me off looking at their legs, but that only make me focus more on their pretty faces”.

What do you think of the designs of these type of stockings?





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