Portuguese Golden Visa for Permanent Residency

With Canada closing its doors to would-be immigrants and the UK tightening up on requirements, many are looking to see what European migration schemes have to offer.

Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced last month that their controversial investor scheme in existence since 1986 is to be scrapped. The Canadian migration scheme ran into trouble because it was seen to devalue Canadian permanent residence whilst being not sufficiently lucrative by comparison with other traditional countries such as the US and UK. Citizenship and Immigration Canada said that the investor queue stood at 65,000 and these applicants will have their applications “eliminated”.

So this is an opportunity for Portugal to solidify their Golden Visa Programme which was launched in 2012. The Portuguese Authorities have manifested their support and as yet less than 1000 residence visas have been issued as the Programme gets under way. The aim of the legislation was to attract foreign investment into Portugal and help boost the economy which is now in recovery following the recession.


Portugal may be a small country but it is an attractive one with four established seasons and a temperate climate. The education system is good and the private schools are about a third of the cost of their UK counterpart. Lisbon is a young vibrant City with plenty of nightlife. The price of property is thought to be still undervalued by reference to other European capitals. There is no oversupply of property and there is an established rental market.


Of all the European schemes on offer, the Portuguese Programme is fast establishing itself as the European migration scheme of choice: Portugal is a signatory to the Schengen agreement allowing free travel in any of the 26 member countries; permanent residence is granted after five years and citizenship after six.

The conditions for the granting and renewal of visas are sensible and not onerous: no criminal record and 7 days’ annual stay.  Nor is the application process complicated or lengthy. In most cases a visa can be obtained in a period of three months.  A resident of Portugal is entitled to work and provided he registers with Social Security, enjoys the same social benefits as the nationals.


Foreigners going to live and obtaining residence permits is not new: the British have been doing it in considerable numbers since the 1960´s. But the Golden visa is a fast track to getting residence permits.

To qualify for the permit you have the choice of investing €1 Million in a public or private company or fund, setting up a business and creating 10 new jobs or buying property, which can be any type commercial, residential or land for a minimum value of €500,000.  Property can be owned jointly and loans can be obtained to finance properties over and above the €500000 equity stake. An applicant can apply to bring his wife and his under age children as well as those who are students, who do not have to be in full time education as long as they are attending a recognised course. Dependent parents (ie, those who are over retirement age) may also join the applicant.

Applicants will need to travel to Portugal to choose a suitable property if they want to select the property investment option and to give supply their biometrics to the Portuguese Foreigners Bureau (SEF).


NDR, the Anglo-Portuguese law firm, established in 1987 with offices in the UK, Lisbon, the Algarve and the Cape Verde islands has been involved with the Golden Visa Programme from the outset. and with its breath of experience in dealing with foreign high net worth private clients it is absolutely no surprise that twelve months on it is the lead firm in this area of work having represented more successful applicants than any other law firm in Portugal.

Francisco Salgueiro who heads the investor residency department at NDR says;

all our applicants have been successful and many clients have bought a second property or set up a business here ; whilst the majority of the clients are Chinese we are receiving increasing  interest from the Middle East, Africa, and South America“  

For further information contact: 

NDR UK : Rosemary de Rougemont [email protected]                

NDR Lisbon: Francisco Salgueiro [email protected]                       

NDR Algarve:  Isabel Olazabal Ferreira [email protected]

Website: www.ndr.pt

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加拿大的财政大臣上月宣布作废自1986年来推出的加国投资移民计划. 此移民计划自执行以来一直备受争议,最近还遇到了前所未有的麻烦,因为它被视为加国永久居民身份价值遭到接连贬值的罪魁祸首. 加拿大公民及移民部(Citizenship and Immigration Canada)指出, 排队等候获得此类签证的人数已高达6万5千人, 而这些人的申请即将被取消.

葡萄牙趁此机会牢牢地巩固了2012年启动的黄金签证项目. 葡国各个部门表明了他们对此项目的大力支持, 目前获得黄金签证的人不足1000. 这个立法的目的是为了吸引更多的外国投资进入葡国, 帮助进一步推动本国经济.


葡萄牙属于发达资本主义国家, 欧盟成员国和欧元创始国成员之一. 国家虽小却极为迷人, 不但四季分明而且气候宜人. 教育系统完善, 教育制度良好, 私立学校的费用仅仅是英国私立的三分之一. 首都里斯本是个活力十足多姿多彩的城市, 它的房地产业潜力巨大, 物业价值一直被许多专家认为是低估了的. 因为在这里并无物业供过于求的现象, 且租凭市场繁荣稳定.

2012年10月, 葡萄牙政府正式推出黄金居留签证项目, 允许非欧盟国家公民在葡萄牙通过购置50万欧元或以上的地产的方式获得葡萄牙居留权, 吸引了许多投资者前往申请.黄金签证申请者还可通过拥有100万欧元或以上的金融资产, 创立10个就业岗位的方式获得签证. 葡萄牙并非是欧盟内唯一拥有类似吸引外资的签证项目的国家, 但葡萄牙的黄金签证项目特别成功.

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黄金签证眼下已迅速发展成为投资移民的首选:由于葡国是申根协议签署者之一, 因此葡国公民/移民可自由出入26个申根成员国; 取得葡国永居条件不难, 只要满足五年每年居住超过7天的条件, 第六年便可归化入葡籍. 签证申请的程序远没有其它国家的繁复漫长, 整个申请签证的过程最多三个月.  而且作为葡国居民跟公民一样享受同等的工作权利和社会福利待遇.   

通过长期居住获取永居入籍并不是新鲜事, 英国早在1960年便开始每年让一定数目的外国人获得永居(例如, 10年合法居留获永居). 相比之下, 葡国的取得居留权的方式更便捷更直接.  获得永居的途径可以选择: 1)100万欧元商业投资, 创造10个工作岗位; 或是2)购置价值50万欧元或以上的物业(可以是商用,民居或土地形式的). 申请者的随行子女可免费享受葡国的公立教育, 一人申请全家获得移民.

Jose Manuel

NDR是有近30年经验的权威葡萄牙律师事务所, 自从黄金签证计划推出之后, 便开始接受客户的委托帮助他们获得签证. NDR在英国, 里斯本以及阿尔加维和佛得角群岛(Algarve and the Cape Verde islands)均设有办事处, 其凭借在处理外国高净值私人客户方面的多年经验, 很快地就成为帮助申请黄金签证成功最值得信赖的律师所.

律师所投资移民部的主管Francisco Salgueiro 指出: “ 所有委托我们申请黄金签证的客户均成功获得签证, 他们中的很多人还购买了第二套物业或在葡国成立了公司;  目前大多数的客户是来自中国的商人, 近期从中东, 非洲以及南美洲来的委托人人数亦有所增加.”


NDR 英国官方电邮地址 : Rosemary de Rougemont [email protected]

NDR 里斯本电邮地址: Francisco Salgueiro [email protected]

NDR 阿尔加维:  Isabel Olazabal Ferreira [email protected]

NDR官网: www.ndr.pt

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