Zilan Huang Campaigns for International Students Officer Role in Cardiff

Zilan Huang from Hunan, China, is a second year Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies student. She is currently campaigning for the role of International Students’ Officer in the Cardiff University Students’ Union elections.

Zilan’s Manifesto 

Studying abroad is an interesting and also challenging experience. My aim is to keep things simple, and get things done for you, to make our Students’ Union a more helpful place for all international students.

Mae astudio dramor yn ddiddorol ac yn heriol hefyd. Fy nod yw cadw pethau’n syml, a sicrhau bod pethau’n cael eu gwneud ar eich rhan, fel bod undeb y myfyrwyr yn cynnig mwy o help i fyfyrwyr rhyngwladol.

My first job is to ensure that you know what’s going on, and what services are provided for you in the union.

Extracurricular activities

I wish to encourage you to make full use of your time abroad! Alongside your academic studies, the Students’ Union provides elements such as societies to join, paid/voluntary job opportunities, skills development, etc.

All events are time sensitive, therefore other than university e-mails, I will also use social media to pass on information and make sure you don’t miss out on anything. As a Cultural Studies student, learning about different cultures fascinates and inspires me.

Cultural Events

I will work closely with all international societies to create cultural events that will show you the traditions and beliefs of a nation, these events will act as platforms for all students to exchange ideas and learn from each other.

Running for the International Students’ Officer position will allow me to represent and serve all international students, I can act as a strong voice in the union because what concerns you, concerns me too.

Make me your International Students’ Officer, so I can fight for your rights and improve your student life in Cardiff . This includes: encouraging more interaction between international and local students; organising events to raise cultural awareness; providing more information and guidance on housing and money management etc.

YOU ARE ABROAD, NOT ALONE ! Zilan will act as a strong voice to represent all international students, so please vote for her!

Voting starts TODAY !!! Please get involved and use your vote !!

All you need to do is go to http://www.cardiffstudents.com/elections/

Login to your Cardiff University account, vote ZILAN in ‘Part Time Officer Election’

Zilan likes to play the Guzheng in her spare time
Zilan likes to play the Guzheng in her spare time

卡迪夫大学英国学联国际学生officer 选举 2013/2014

黄紫兰是卡迪夫大学记者与媒体学院的一名大二学生, 她具有武汉女孩特有的精简干练, 也有着南方女孩的细致耐心.

国际学生officer的职责是为卡大所有国际学生服务, 强有力的传达同学们的心声, 尽力解答疑惑, 解决困难. 

1. 让国际生了解 Cardiff students’ union 为国际生提供哪些服务, 以及怎样使用学校的各项资源. 
2. 为新生提供卡迪夫当地各种信息,为国际学生在卡迪夫的新生活做好准备. 包括住房,购物,娱乐等等
3. 在卡大举办更多国际生感兴趣的活动, 并鼓励国际学生与当地英国学生互动
4. 促进各国学生之间的文化交流, 并提供展示自己各项才艺的平台
5. 了解国际学生在英学习所面临的各项挑战与忧虑, 作为卡迪夫大学与国际生之间的桥梁帮助解决国际生所面临的各种困难. 
6. 学业之余鼓励国际生多多参与各项课外活动,包括志愿者, 临时工作等等

投票时间: 2013年3月5日9点至2013年3月7日14点
投票方式: 登录学联网站 http://www.cardiffstudents.com/elections/ 

登录你的的学生帐号,在’Part Time Officer Election’下方点击’Vote Now’ , 选择International Students Officer 在Zilan Huang的名字前方写上 1 , 最后点击 VOTE

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