The Bachelor of the Month for November Mr Kenji Wong (11月型男)

‘Bachelor of the Month’ and ‘Babe of the Month’ feature. This is where contestants submit photos along with a brief bio of themselves and then readers can vote to see if they are hot or not, through the quirky rating system. 

At the end of a 12 month period, the male and female who receives the most votes will have the honour of being Nee Hao Magazine’s Bachelor and Babe of the year, and a full centre page spread in the in-print magazine will be devoted to them. We are also in talks with modelling agencies in London and Beijing who will potentially sign up the winners to their books.

Do you wish to be Nee Hao magazine’s Bachelor or Babe of the month? Send in a few photos and a brief bio to us and you can be featured in the future.

Rating system: 

(Get voting just for fun!)

Plain Chow Mein = Nothing specialalt

Veggie Chow Mein = Interesting but could do with a little meat.

Special Chow Mein = The full works, tasty and got the complete package.

Bachelor of the Month for November  2011:

Kenji Wong 

Age: 25

From: West Midlands

Job: Science industry

Favourite food:  Japanese

Enjoy or not enjoy going out clubbing?  Prefer football






Click here to check out November’s Babe of the Month Janet Chu,  Oxford

Click here to check out October’s Bachelor of the Month Quan Khau, Bristol

Click here to check out October’s Babe of the Month Mona He, Bristol

Spark Party 18.11.11 @Kobe Bristol

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