Nee Hao’s Bachelor of the Month for May: Perry Tang. The handsome 25-year-old from London, works for a global electronics distributor and enjoys playing sport and a good medium rare steak among other things.
Age: 25
Born: London
Current location: Still living in London but would like to try somewhere in Asia one day
Job: Marketing role for a global electronics distributor
Favourite food: Those who know me know that I can eat! I eat everything, but can’t beat a good steak (medium rare) with chips
Fashion preferences: I am very much a high street shopper… Top Man, Zara, All Saints, Levi’s etc. And being Chinese, I have to love my designer gear like LV/Gucci etc.
时尚品味:我是个高街时尚达人…喜欢的品牌有Top Man, Zara, All Saints以及Levi’s等. 作为中国人我必须喜欢LV/Gucci的.
Where would you take a girl on a first date? I will keep it simple and fun, dinner and drinks somewhere in the City
Enjoy or not enjoy clubbing: Can you believe I am answering this questionnaire whilst pre-drinking in a Soho Bar? Yes I love clubbing! If you ever see me out be sure to say hi to me!
喜欢参加派对吗?信不信我现在就在苏豪区的一个酒吧里边喝酒边接受“你好”采访?哈哈,一会还要去夜店趴呢。当然喜欢啦,等下遇到我记得say hi啊.
As above I am a big party boy, love football, pool, snooker and watching my boyhood team Arsenal play.
我喜欢参加派对, 更爱运动, 比如说足球(阿仙奴粉丝)和桌球。