6 month old British born Harvey Laurent from Bristol, shows dazzling skills when playing with a football. He’s recently started crawling, and is currently in the process of learning how to stand up.
He does kick ups whilst sitting on a bouncer. Harvey’s current personal record is 7 kick ups before it drops to the floor.
Harvey Laurent’s mother said : “He enjoys it and practices on his own up to 60 minutes a day. I first noticed Harvey Laurent’s interest in football when he was only 3 months old as he started to kick a toy rabbit (which aunty Sui bought him) in a way similar to how a footballer would. I’ll let him continue to practice until he gets bored or wants to do something else.”
8个月大的华裔宝宝还没开始学爬, 就已经会踢球了. 短片里的小宝宝名叫哈维罗伦特(Harvey Laurent), 他正坐在摇摇椅上展示着过人的运球技巧. 据哈维爸爸说, 他个人的盘球(kick-up)最高纪录是7下哦, 然后还用小手手接住. 整个动作过程完成得流畅无比. 他妈妈骄傲地告诉本杂志: “哈维非常喜欢足球, 每天至少自己玩上60分钟. 我们第一次意识到这小家伙对踢球感兴趣是因为他3个月大的时候有一次竟然把玩具小兔子拿来当球踢. 于是他爸爸就给买了球.”
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