Mc Chin is the pseudonym used by a supposedly British born Chinese man who has been making some highly controversial views on the British Born Chinese Facebook Group, which has provoked massive debate, arguments and the exchange of obscenities. He is reportedly the founder and editor of the website
Mc Chin has kept his true identity hidden but it can be assumed from his knowledge of the culture, the content of his posts and comments, that he is a Chinese man who was either born, or has lived for a long period of time in the UK.
The reason why Mc Chin has come to notoriety is because of his stance on race, gender and cultural identity issues regarding the British Chinese culture. One example is his comments on a thread in the Facebook group regarding a programme aired on BBC 2 called ‘Britain’s Chinese Tiger Mums’. Other examples include the controversial articles he posted on the BBCZeitgeist.Blog entitled ‘British born Chinese girls ugly?’ or ‘Mainland Chinese give British Chinese a bad reputation?’. Mc Chin does make valid arguments some with a bit of tongue and cheek, but there’s another side of his viewpoints that potentially borderline on the extremist, and some have taken offence which in turn has caused this controversy.
There have been many accusations directed at him on different social platforms, saying that he is just a patriot at best, or at worse a racist. There has been suspicion that Mc Chin is a British Chinese graduate called Darren Lo, but Nee Hao Magazine can categorically confirm through our sources that they are in actual fact different people.
Some have argued that Mc Chin plays the role of a critic and an intellectual advocate which is important to obtain and maintain the necessary changes and opportunities that exist in the uniquely British Chinese community. He has critiqued and criticised the Dim Sum website, and even felt it was relevant to accuse Daniel York of having a “personal gripe” against the Yellow Earth Theatre because they turned him down for the artistic directors’ post, even though no one in the community actually cares about that. While on the other hand, others claim he is a hater, imposing his bitter views to British Born Chinese people. Even Nee Hao Magazine has not escaped the wrath of the BBC Zeitgeist on past articles released.
One member of the British Chinese Facebook Group said this about Mc Chin on a discussion thread
” What everyone dislikes about Mc Chin is that he vehemently tries to force feed everyone his hate for some reason. Some of us feel sorry for him because maybe he had it bad in the past to be so bitter. I feel for that, I really do, but we’ve all had shitty experiences too. It’s not even about being Chinese or White or anything, he’s simply bitter and wants us to be bitter with him. Most of us thank god, we aren’t like him. But he wants us to be ashamed of being BBCs, for not actively hating ‘Whites’. I don’t see myself as ‘Chinese’ I am who I am and that means being born in this country and raised with both Chinese and British values. He has no right to try to make us ashamed for being who we are. At this rate he’s no better than extremists such as Neo Nazis ” .
Nee Hao Magazine has made contact with Mc Chin for an interview. Do you think his viewpoints are valid? Or do you think he is extreme? Whatever your thoughts on this, please send us your questions and we shall forward it to Mc Chin to answer for the purpose of community accountability. Or leave a comment in the box below for further discussion.