First ever Chinese councillor in West Midlands hopes for re-election

Alex Yip is the local conservative candidate for Sutton New Hall ward in Birmingham and standing for re-election after a one year term. Being the first ever Chinese councillor elected in the West Midlands, he is proud to be representing the area that he was born in and has lived most of his life.

Having previously being self employed, owning and running a number of Chinese takeaways, the British born Chinese man has also done a considerable number of years of public service. For the past six years, he has been a magistrate and a school governor for nearly nine years and also has championed the visibility of the British Chinese community through his role in the British Chinese Project.

Working in Sutton Coldfield with his two other ward colleagues, Alex currently campaigns strongly against building on the Green Belt, for safety measures around schools, a cleaner and greener community, and for an effective Parish Council from 2016 following a referendum last year.

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Cllr Alex Yip JP, Councillor for Birmingham (Sutton New Hall) and Vice-Chair of the British Chinese Project.

Alex is also a champion for the  Chinese Community in Birmingham, involved in areas such as supporting the work of the local Chinese Community Centre and other charities and groups.

The young councillor said: “I am also a passionate supporter of Adult Mental Awareness. Adults who suffer from depression and suicide. Because of the stigma around depression this affects ethnic minorities more than White British people.”

“The past year in addition to my casework supporting local residents with their queries, litter picks and meetings, I am also on the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee which looks at the welfare of all Birmingham Children especially around Child Sexual exploitation and the foster care system and social services. It has been immensely rewarding and an incredible insight into the amazing work that these departments do”

“If elected, I plan to continue fighting against the immediate building on greenbelt land arguing on behalf of residents for a delay in building and forcing developers to regenerate inner-city ‘brownfield’ sites first, while also looking into supporting local businesses, resident associations, and speed control measures around local schools and accident black spots.

This past year has been incredibly rewarding and also a very steep learning curve. Being given the opportunity to make a real difference to people’s lives is immensely fulfilling and a position of great responsibility. I will continue to do my very best to acknowledge the trust given to me by residents and the support of my family and friends.

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